Is Feral still squishiest class?

They do top dmg every AWC game and dont die. With barskin 30% Dmg reduction useable in stun, 2 charges survival instinct 60% dmg reduction, heart of the wild, bear form, proc Frenzie regen when low, maim 5s stun 20s cd, clone. They run to the front like a Tank and being immortal. Is it new meta now? Doesnt blizzard need to nerf their defensive a bit if they buff their damage?


Considering what they did to kidney it wouldn’t hurt to add 10 sec to maim CD as well


Theres only one charge of survival instincts on a 3 min cooldown, feral can 100% be globaled. Remember youre watching the best healers in the game. They know how to counter peoples cds. your average healer isnt going to keep people up like they do. And theyre just spec’d for Aoe damage so all they do is run around dotting people.


That’s a whole lotta text to say you don’t know how to play feral :sob: :pray:


I heard of this ability called Bear Form

Ehh they’re not squishy when played really well, but on average feral is pretty squishy.

Really just comes down to game knowledge and knowing when you need to back off defensively


No they are not. Goung to a cart alone against a feral is a death sentence and have to basically divine shield incarn otherwise I bleed to death through sov and dp (10%wall btw) and I dont have the healing to bring myself up.

Where are the feral nerfs

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Dang you have to trade your biggest defensive against their biggest offensive that’s crazy


No because nobody has to trade their biggest wall against my trash 30s autowings.

Just for comparison:

30% wall, increases healing received by 20%, lasts 12 sec, usable while stunned.
1m CD

Survival Instincts:
60% wall, lasts 6 sec.
3m CD

Enraged Regeneration:
30% wall, heals for 10% hp, increases BT healing by 20% max hp, lasts 11 sec, usable while stunned.
2m CD

Rallying Cry:
Increases team HP by 10%, lasts 10 sec.
3m CD

Not even gonna talk about how Bear Form > Defensive Stance.

Warrior is by no means weak, but clearly Feral is having some immortality privileges.

Feral and Shadow are just too tanky atm and need tunning.

And so does Frost Mage kit overall.


Well, maybe instead of “trash 30s autowings” you should be playing the not-trash 2min big wings/crusade?

Comparing war cds to feral cds is a very bad way to look at it. Ferals still use leather and take a lot more physical damage by default when out of bear.

As I said above however, it’s a lot about game knowledge. If you’re aware, you’ll survive more.

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That would be truth if 90% of the classes didn’t dealt magic damage.

I am balanced around radiant glory. I wish it didnt exist but playing normal wings is asking to lose specislly in blitz where theres fighting everywhere.

Going crusade just so I can 1v1 a feral snd then have negative damage during teamfighting isnt the wisest decisio

You also ignored this

I am responding to offensive cds with TWO defensives and Im still dying through them. This is why I said divine shielding is a must otherwise im dead and have NO HEALING to go recover from 10% hp

Shhh. He’s trying to keep that one a secret :slight_smile:

You’re dealing with incarn upfront burst, then it’s followed bleed, both of these come from spamming bite during incarn.

Feral will offensively trinket during incarn. Force the trinket with HoJ into blinding light-> rep and you trash 50% of his entire go window without using any defensives. If their trinket is down you should be able to walk away from incarn with full hp NP. The remaining duration you can survive without bubble. Otherwise just insta-bubble incarn and then hoj rep cast and trash his entire go window taking maybe 10% of your HP to do so. Feral outside of incarn is meh and won’t require you use any further defensives in a blitz without damp.

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Bear form is genuinely OP in 2s, in 3s and rss all it does is put you behind on pressure 9/10 situations and you take the L on pressure alone. In 2s though the second a healer is in CC just bear/frenzy and you can live almost every go from 1 dps without using any wall.

Alternatively the class is designed around bear, so getting caught in a stun in cat and without IB is almost surely GG.

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Blinding light is a choice node with rep…

Yes i do exactly that and I still die through both dp and sov its happened many times.

Feral has better healing defensives and mobility than me snd I cant put enough damage on them. They just race me harder on dps. This wasnt always the case btw but right now feral is overtuned and no amount of cheesin to survive a feral 1v1 will make me believe the feral is just better than me. Just overtuned

Feral is definitely not the squishiest spec anymore.

Anyone who says this is insanely fried. Bear form is awful as a defensive, full stop.

Whole lotta people in here talking about defensive buttons and just not acknowledging that feral has a permanent 20% bonus healing received from KOTJ honor talent and the hero tree.


If you can shut down the incarn you shouldn’t die through defensives, feral st dps outside of incarn is honestly mediocre. Do you record your games? Would love to see a clip.