Is feign death still bugged?

Title. I wanna level a hunter and don’t really wanna waste the time if they still haven’t managed to fix it.

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Yep. Least as far as i know

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I don’t think its broken. I think the problems are related to spell batching. I’ve been in groups with lots of hunters and it seems to work for them. I don’t play one so I have no first hand experience.

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Depends on the bug you’re talking about.

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Leeway and spellbatching add to this concern further and intentionally programming out their spell batching for sounds janky. Think hunters are gonna be permanently screwed.

They just don’t have that trap window in a standard pvp situation, too many things have to be done just to get it right and even then its janky. This isn’t how things used to be and it’s something I’m not willing to tolerate so I play a different character.


Those two things existed in vanilla and Hunters didn’t complain.

As long as they’re functioning as they did in vanilla, it’s just people not being used to how the spell works. If things are actually different than vanilla, then they should be fixed to work as they did in vanilla.

Any complainers left over can be disregarded.

That’s because those two things didn’t exist in Vanilla.

There are two people…people who did this in both Vanilla/Classic and people who did it in just Classic/Didn’t do it at all. You fall into the second camp.

There’s actual legitimate hard evidence videos of this trapping happening in Vanilla years ago (not private servers). The evidence is there, just mute the horrible music and pay attention to the delays. You might as well do this since anecdotal evidence based on actual history doesn’t make you budge.

They absolutely did, though. Spell batching actually still exists today; it’s just that the interval is much smaller.


I played vanilla:

Just because you don’t remember these mechanics doesn’t mean they didn’t exist. If you can’t even have the conversation based in reality, I’ll just leave it at that.

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There’s a difference between “Played in vanilla” and “Did this in vanilla”.

I played a hunter (among others) in Vanilla, and my highest Classic character is a hunter. I’m on a PVE server, so am fighting mobs.

Mobs resist my feign death a lot in Classic. I execute it correctly, but about 1 time out of 3 a little message pops up saying “resisted” and the mob keeps hitting me. Sometimes I run away, sometimes I die.

I don’t remember that ever happening in retail. It’s hard to remember 10 years ago, since I was still playing a hunter in BFA, but I simply do not remember mobs “resisting” feign death, even once.

The mobs are my level or 1 or 2 levels higher – never more.

Is that a different bug? In any case, it’s something you should think about if you’re starting a hunter.

Except when “did this in vanilla” means experiencing leeway and spell batching. Playing in vanilla in any capacity would’ve been enough to have experienced these things, even if you didn’t know what they were called or why it happened.

They existed in vanilla. Accept reality.

No, that is intended. Feign Death can be resisted. There is a talent that reduces the chance for that to happen for exactly that reason.

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There’s a talent in the Survival Tree called “Improved Feign Death”. This was a thing and the primary issue people are having is in PvP.

as long as leeway and spell batching are in effect hunters have a disadvantage, often getting gimped on things they shouldn’t have, don’t recommend making a hunter.

The thing people who played casters but not hunters don’t realize about classic vs vanilla is that leeway was a bit different in Vanilla.

Casters will notice leeway will fire off a spell as they are exiting the maximum range just as Melee will notice leeway will fire off an attack as someone leaves melee range. This is normal.

In Classic, Leeway effectively cancels abilities due to the deadzone instead of firing them off as they cross it like it does for Casters and Melee. Melee attacks and deadzone range is effectively snapshotted and extended longer making Melee kinda op and deadzone mechanics underpowered. Hunters are uniquely disadvantaged here due to their unique situation.

I guess technically warriors will find charging people a bit more annoying due to the same deadzone but the additional melee attack range more than makes up for it.

Yeah they did. Recreating stupid lag from 2005 is stupid.


Lag isn’t what was recreated.

Leeway and the large spell batching intervals are the systems meant to accommodate lag; they are not lag itself. Those systems are what was recreated.

If people knew spell batching was going to be such a Pandora’s box that unleashed bugs into the game which didn’t exist in retail vanilla, no one would have supported it.

Don’t play word games. When Capcom added stupid amounts of “leeway” to Street Fighter 5 everyone decent instantly knew it was there. It had more “leeyway” than Street Fighter 4 or 3. For no reason other than to allow people with horrible internet to play.

If “leeyway” is so “Vanilla” then why not add random server outages? allow exploits from 2005? why are the world bosses tethered? that’s not “Vanilla”

Everyone who played a online game in the past 5 years will instantly feel this artificial lag. WOW PVP is not going to last long.

Think i’ma stray away from hunter then… I looked up some video’s and the amount of hoops you gotta jump through (Macro conditions) is just stupid.

Yes there are bugs, yes Blizz responded that they were working on it and did a slight tweak to help with some things.

I refer to the below link to the article that is still going strong for all the bugs around this