Is Feign Death bugged?

Does not drop combat, thus you cannot manually Freezing Trap, also FD-Trap macros don’t work.

This is a HUGE FLAW on a PVP server, hunters NEED FD+Trap to stay relevant in PVP.

This is BS, it makes me want to quit/reroll, has anyone found a solution?


Yes it’s bugged, blizzard has reimained silent on it since launch but this isn’t how feign death worked before, it dropped combat instantly

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Makes hunters lose alot of utility in pve. Feelsbadman

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I mean… I believe it’s bugged… but I could never get it to work back in vanilla myself. I don’t know if latency was a factor or what… but I could only fd trap like 1 out of 10 times.

its very broken atm… needs to get fixed

even something as simple as a debuff “upon casting, for the next 1 second, you are ‘out of combat’ status”

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huuuuuge nerf to hunters in PvP

Blizz tries to act like they are re-creating the vanilla experience, well this is not it for hunters

It would be similar to if a certain shaman totem NEVER dropped in pvp, or mage poly couldn’t be cast on players in PvP, etc

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I haven’t seen this bug yet. Are you sure it’s bugged and it wasn’t because either was resisted or your pet was still in combat?

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After hitting level 30 I thought “awesome, now I can FD and use traps in melee range”. Reality was cruel.

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I think this is what they changed, before it would drop out of combat even if the pet was on the target, now it seems that you and your pet both most exit combat/passive in order to trap, but there’s definitely a delay.

Yes, you haven’t seen the bug yet because you aren’t trying to FD+trap melee chars in pvp

In vanilla, you could trap melees with a FD+trap macro that consisted of:

/drop target (the command for that)


Now in classic, FD takes 3-4 seconds to drop combat ALWAYS. Doesn’t matter if you have a pet out or not, doesn’t matter if you are using the macro or not. It never drops combat instantly

Which means you can NEVER fd+trap. You barely have enough time to scatter + FD + trap, your combat will drop at the very end of scattershot cc

Huge nerf to hunters, and no, it’s not about them not having the right macro. They are using their same macros from vanilla

It is due to “spell batching” or something

Even adding a bunch of lines to the macro in order to stop pet from being in combat - it works about 10% of the time.

Was really hoping FD + trap would make leveling more interesting than just /petattack /autoattack rinse and repeat. R.I.P. fun

The way to know it is not your pet putting you back in combat is just dismiss the pet and try dueling a melee char

You still won’t be able to FD + Trap them with no pet out. Your FD won’t drop combat

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This topic has been popping up a lot but I’ve yet to have any issue FD trapping people in melee. Are we all 100% sure the melee you are fighting aren’t just smart and spam clicking you when they predict a feign so they can throw out an instant attack to keep you in combat?

It fails the majority of the time in PVE…

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I consistently FD->Traped in vanilla a lot. It was very low chance of failing and only failed when you were being bombarded with damage.

post on your classic hunter, or better yet show a vid of how this is happening. No one else has ever said this yet

I did in another thread post a gif of someone stabbing me with a skinning knife, and I was able to FD trap without a delay.

What was the macro you did? What was the level of the toon attacking you in comparison to your own? What “stance” was your pet in?

My pet is always in passive, the macro I use for feign death is
#showtooltip Feign Death
/cast Feign Death

I never put the actual trap in a macro and it could be a problem with pets that have an attack like bite or claw, mine didnt until I decided to grab one at 34. There could also be a delay if you keep switching your pet back to defensive but really theres no reason to ever have your pet not in passive in vanilla the ai isnt good enough for that.