Is evoker the only class with so many useless talents solo?

Source of magic / potent mana
Rescue / twin guardian
Bountiful bloom

Those are part of the evoker common tree. They serve absolutly nothing. I feel they should be on choice nods with something else so you can choose between group oriented vs solo?

I can understand preservation or augmentation having stuff purely group oriented though, but why would devastation?

Because if you don’t share group utility with the other two specs in your class, you don’t get invited to groups in meaningful content–it’s really not that complicated.

They are talents that you don’t have to choose in a solo build. Why do they need choice nodes? Just spend the points elsewhere.

The only thing you’d miss by not taking them is zephyr, which is completely unnecessary in a solo build.

Are there other classes in that same situation though? I dont think others have as many talents that serve only group?
Maybe druids? they have terrible tree to start with

You do realize that having more group utility options in your class tree is good and not bad, right?

Having the option to bring more value is much much better than not having it. And, again, you literally don’t have to take them.

Druids might have more, and I would think shaman have more.

But again, having the option to take these is a benefit, lol.

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In a rare appearance, we have someone wishing they brought less utility.

This playerbase man lol

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Could find a way to complain about pretty much anything.

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Paladins have blessing of sacrifice, talent that helps blessing of sacrifice, afterimage.

Priest has leap of faith, talent that buffs leap of faith, Twins of the sun priestess,

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Thx, it’s the kind of answer I was looking for