Is engineering not a good profession for tanks in Cataclysm?

Going into cataclysm as a blood DK I’m wondering if maybe I should drop my DK’s engineering for something else?

As I understand it a lot of the tinkers are nerfed like the gloves synapse springs only giving one of int/agi/strength primary stats and the boots have a much higher failure rate and can DoT you for 80% of your HP.

I figure I can just race change to worgen (i’m playing alliance) for a more reliable movement buff but even them I’m also told that there are supposedly not that many big mechanics that require you to move far fast in cata.

Any info on this is appreciated!

I think you need to define what is good or not. Because to some people good means it has to be the absolute best even if its by 1 stat. To others it just means its not a total waste of space.

Engineering is still pretty strong. You will be able to get a great hat right away. The boots/parashoots/etc work still. The glove stat increase shares its CD with unuse trinkets now. Also the effects of things like boots can backfire. So if you boot, it blows up, and it puts kind of a nasty DoT on you. Things like that.

Odds are it will be just fine. Will it be the absolute best? Jury is still out. Probably matters a lot what your goal is here. Like max speed run, raiding while drinking some beer with the boys, if you know what I mean.

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As I understand it Mastery is the end all be all with certain specs like blood dk tanks.

The hat is only bis pre raid, the boots backfire far more often at least from what I’ve heard and the dot is mitigated by some abilities like AMS but I feel like I’d rather just not rely on the unreliable and go worgen for the guaranteed movement ability.

Personally I’m leaning to BS/Alc for the pure convenience factor along with the flexibility of stats.

Good for threat, but in terms of mitigation, JC/BS will be the top choices, for gems.

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