Is Ele using Earthquake?

Or just spending on Elemental Blast for Tempest charges?

Thats a hard question to really answer and really depends on your build and whether or not its PvP or PvE. You need to be more specific about why youre asking.

Earthquake in PVP? o.O

But no it’s PVE and running the Stormbringer hero talents.


Earthquake is mandatory in anything over 4 targets. It’s the only reason Ele can really do any meaningful damage at all without an aug/spymasters.

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Thank you, king.

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EQ and EB both spend maelstrom and contribute to tempest equally. EQ on 2+ targets rotationally and EB/ES on ST or if there is a prio mob in a pack that needs to die. Also worth noting that tempest can now stack to 2, so you don’t always have to immediately send it when it’s up, especially if you have a lot of maelstrom to spend. Lastly, pick a target that does not have a lightning rod on it when you tempest!

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You don’t need an Aug or spymasters to do good damage brother!

You even should be using earthquake in single target if you’re running EoGS according to guides

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This is mathematically correct although it is a very very minor percentage increase. Keep in mind If the single mob moves out of the earthquake at any point. It’s a loss. Still good, but not game Breaking If you don’t EQ for safety

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I’m a sucker for the maths

This isn’t hard to answer, if you use echoes of great sundering, yes earthquake is a direct single target DPS increase if your target is not moving. Use ele blast
/Earth shock to get EoGS, then use earth quake. Using lava blast to buff your tempest/ele blast/earth shock. In AOE, it obviously has huge impact so do the same. The gain in single target is minor on this method, so really only do it if your target is not moving and you have your rotation down

There’s more nuance to it, especially if using p-wave, but that’s the gist.

If not talented into echoes of great sundering, and not doing aoe, you will rotate ele blast/earth shock and tempest, buffing each with lava blast.

If I’m rolling ele shaman, I might go EB.

The visuals are amazing