Is Ele Shaman a poor copy of a Mage?

Most spells we have , theirs is better . Hex is on CD and the target has full control over movement so can run out of LOS. Polymorph spammable and resets fights at will. They have Lust with a different name . Their burst is better. They have blink , we are stuck in GW. … and so on and so forth.


mage is meta all three mage specs are always in a good spot but mages cant lava burst people face off and thunderstorm people off ledges.


As sure as the sun is rising every morning , IP is gonna get nerfed in next couple of week … and that will be the end of Lava Bursting anyone’s face off … while Mages will still be Greater Pyroblasting ppl to ashes .

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how much is ip getting nerfed buy?but like i said meta classes barley get nerfed.

I’m praying they dont nerf IG. we’re competitive for once when it’s not the end of the expansion.

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Don’t know how much but the nerf is coming …Blizz hates Shamans


Well with three IP traits I can easily sustain 15K+ as resto with 2 buttons. It’s absurdly strong. I don’t want them to nerf it because that would hurt my ele bros, but it would be hard to argue that it shouldn’t be. Damn it hurts to say that.

It’s gonna be absolutely disastrous for Ele if they do that and don’t compensate by buffing a Lightening based build in some way.

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I don’t disagree, but i dont see them making a change that only targets how it performs while in resto spec.

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maybe a smart better fix is to make ip an ele only trait?


Well my hope is that they see the potential for some really interesting comps in M+, as well as the niche situations at the high end where this would even matter for Resto. I dont play ele so i can’t really speak to how it’s performing for them.

As for being a better fix, i would imagine that making it ele only would require more work than they’re willing to put in.

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thats the issue with this dev team laziness.the right fix would be to make it ele only and nerf it alittle bit but thise team is lazy and nerfs it across the board.

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Are there any traits on any piece of azerite gear that are “one spec only”?

Its not laziness.

As it is…damage is not why classes are/aren’t meta. Mages could actually use a damage buff. They are on the lower end of the dps scale. But it doesnt stop them from being “meta”.

Utility > Damage

yes there are spec specific traits on gear there always has been.on some of you pieces of gear it will say resto or enhancement only traits.

But those traits typically don’t work because there is no corresponding ability, no?

Like obviously an enhance trait that effects rockbiter won’t work on elemental. Because elemental doesn’t have rockbiter.

I am referring specifically to traits that effect abilities both specs have. If those exist.

no idea when im ele spec and a trait says resto only you cant select it.thats all i know.

Was already a thread below.

i just went resto spec and ip can be used on resto give 23% for lava surge which is more then ele.also with x2 ip lava burst hits alot harder on resto…switch over to resto spec and you will see.

the issue to me is resto can use it.ip should be for ele only imo.

Like most of what you say, I disagree yet again. One of the designs of resto is to be able to do significant amounts of dmg in times of low dmg phases to help push content and keys. IP allows resto to forgo pure healing traits to buff their dmg. I really do not see why this is an issue.

thats the issue with wow class design in general.prot tanks do alot more dps then other classes,warlocks have more armor then other classes and resto shamans does more dps then ele shaman.

the only reason to bring a ele shaman is for its aoe?