<Is Dysfunctional> - AOTC and Mythic Push

[About Is Dysfunctional]
Is Dysfunctional-Thrall is an AOTC raiding progression guild that has a vast amount of veteran players, some with raiding experience back to Vanilla. We expect everyone to come to raid prepared, be knowledgeable (Class and encounter), and have a great time.

Our team brings a great amount of personality to the guild that keeps raids and our community lively. Our members work with each other to help everyone achieve their greatest potential. When not raiding, several guild members are putting together higher Mythic+ Keys, PVPing together, and running Alt raids.

We are always looking for skilled and determined people to raid with. We are trying to secure a few last spots for Mythic Progression into 10.1. If you’re a skilled and mirthful player, do not feel shy! Please reach out! Even some of our key players started off small and worked their way up.

[Dragonflight Progression]
Aberrus, the Shadowed Crucible - 9/9 Normal - 5/9 Heroic
Vault of the Incarnates AOTC (8/8H)

[What we look for in a raider]
Having a solid knowledge of your class
A positive progression-oriented mindset
90% attendance
Being a team player

[Raiding Information]
Raid Times: Wed & Thurs @ 9 PM EST
Phials/Runes/Food/Repairs are Provided by Guild

[Current Recruitment]
While we are happy to have classes/specs of all varieties, here are our highest-demand roles to be filled. Is your spec not on here? Don’t be discouraged, you are still very much welcome!

· Tank - Low

· Healer – Low

· Melee DPS– Low

· Ranged DPS– High

Check us out on Discord at discord.gg/F8w4fgU2CC

Battlenet Contact
Retrection: Isanchezter#1598
Moose: TheMadDad#1800

Monk Tank!
Just came back to DF from a break after SLands. Just dinged 70 but should shoot up in ilvl these next two weeks hoping to be able to raid. Just added Retrection and looking to hear back, thank you!


Monk tanks are still a thing? Haven’t seen one in ages! Good to see some variety once in a while.

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Says the Warlock who mains a Demon Hunter

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Still have a couple DPS spots open. Really looking for a Shadow Priest

Looking for a couple more range DPS

Looking for a hunter

Still looking for a few more range DPS to round out our core

9/9 N and 6/9 H now, still have a few range dps spots

Woot Woot 8/9 Heroic tonight!!! Still looking for a few more peoples!!!

Few updates! we got our 9/9 Heroic abberus! Including one of our members getting the legendary! Right now we are building up our raid team in anticipation of 10.2 in the later half of the year.