Is dwarf warrior best?

Cures poison and disease dots, and takes less damage on demand.

Are they the best warrior? Or does Tauren hp outweigh this?

the most important thing for a tank is not survivability its threat.

and human warriors produce the best threat for alliance.


Female gnome warriors with funny names tend to be the deadlier ones of the pack.

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I have been looking for a beta stream playing dwarf, want to see if they got that sweet stone form racial right.

I’m jealous, best priest, hunter, rogue are all dwarf. If they get warrior best too I’ll just have to bitterly accept unfairness in first world problems.

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Human Warrior is best! I could flex my TPS all day. Orc with Crol axe is pretty close.

It depends on what you are trying to be

Tank: Tauren (racial, high base strength and stamina), Dwarf (Racial, high base stamina and strength), Night Elf (Racial)

DPS: Orc (Racial, high base strength), Troll (Racial, all round stats), Human (Racial, all round stats), Tauren (High base strength), Dwarf (High base strength)

Pvp: Tauren (Racial), Undead (Racial), Human (racial), Troll (Racial), Dwarf (Racial), Night elf (Racial)

Note: Each race does start with a different set amount of base stats and gains them at different rates, gnomes make the worst warriors in the game due to them having the lowest total base strength, tauren make the worst hunters for having the lowest total base agility, whereas undead make very good priests due to them having the highest base spirit in the game.

Sorry can you provide a link to somewhere that references the different base stats?

How could undead priests have higher spirit than a human priest?

I ran a test back in the day and rolled a priest and warrior and druid for each race, you can test this yourself. Each race does have a different base which I found surprising. But this only matters at the early levels. Since warriors are so gear dependent at the later levels its all determined by your gear. I wish I had all my old papers so I could send you a screenshot but it was lost to the ages. I found out that orcs have the highest strength, night elves have the highest agility, tauren have the highest stamina, gnomes have the highest intellect, and undead had the highest spirit.

Trolls and humans and dwarves had very similar stats, trolls have the highest intellect out of all vanilla horde races.

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Dwarf stone form was mostly the bane of rogues more than anything, and handy in select fights in like ZG and AQ I think, i’d still take a tauren/orc/forsaken over a dwarf personally. Now dwarf priests, thats a different matter entirely - fear ward was a hell of a edge in PVE compared to tremor totem.

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Okay that’s a good enough explaination for me, I hope to see people like you collecting data again for the community!

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