Is Dk Blood just a Healer?

So Blood DK is super squishy right now. You can spend all your ccs on the trash and still get your life down by 50%. However, I can exceed the healers - but this is not enough for the haste I get on equipment. So, we can’t do high damage, we can’t take dmg, we can only heal a lot. So… Any tips? This is my expansion tanking raids and m+ with Blood - and Idk if that’s normal

PS: Yes, I know that Bonestorm can help, but does not go well at certain fights.

ilvl: 194
C.Strike: 12%
Haste: 14%
Mastery: 49%
Versatility: 4%
Leech: 1%

I see your versatility is extremely low it is our best secondary stat which helps reduce damage and should ideally be above 15% at your ilvl.

Blood DK could use an armor buff for sure to smooth incoming damage a bit. However it is currently capable of doing high m+ keys. Also there were recent damage buffs that helped increase our overall dps a fair amount.

Our hp is supposed to take a chunky dip and immediately healed with proper use of death strike resources. If it didn’t one shot you, you heal it right back and you’re good to go. That is the playstyle of Blood DK which I agree will feel weird as a tank when comparing it to the others.


It’s so negligible that I got fed up and swapped unholy.


6+ is smooth. +8 is painful depending on the team. Normal Nathria is fine, except for Sludgefist - forget mechanics, I do it right.

Agree with you, vers is low! However, that’s the best I’ve got with loot :c Hope to get a better loot tomorrow

Yeah, Sludgefist hits like a truck but given the name that’s kind of on par. Was a fun fight though. Gotta be quick to get behind those pillars. Just wondering, why no DK weapon chant?

for m+ you’re going to want prioritize haste till 20-25%. Vers is good in raids when you have tank swaps and you can build your resources up while offtanking.

With your haste level, you’ll probably be depleted of resources fairly quick, you’ll want to Death n decay with Grip of dead and back peddle kite to wait for resources.

your vers is really low, also bonestorm can get you killed while charging runic power unless ur venthyr and you pair the cov ability with bonestorm.
rune of sanguination gives u another cd based heal.
healing is 100% ur main defensive, if you can keep getting death strikes off while rotating cooldowns you should be fine.

Bro, idk if you do any kind of pvp, but you can no joke get a FULL SET of vers haste gear from just spamming bgs, its good ._.

Yep grinding honor for 1day will net you ilvl184 with Vers+Haste on every single slot.
You’ll also snag some ilvl200 items from getting conquest points.
If you dont want to spend 6000ish honor on a 2hander, i suggest skipping the weapon and aiming for Sorrowbane.

If You don’t know what Sorrowbane is, YouTube a tutorial on how to acquire it. It’s a basically free epic ilvl180 2h sword with haste+vers

Mrgm has a vid for sorrowbane

also the quest is up


Hey, thanks to all who replied. Yeah, I was using the PVP vendor items not so long ago but had to change due to the ilvl. Started to spam low levels (m4+) today to loot better items with vers and haste at the NW. Still have much to improve but now seems a lot smoother while I run +8/+9 (including necrotic hell-debuff)!

ilvl: 198
C.Strike: 12%
Haste: 14%
Mastery: 46%
Vers: 9%

I’ll focus more on the haste and vers now on

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More versatility will most likely help. My versatility isn’t that great and noticed an IMMEDIATE improvement when I put my HOA neckpiece back on when tanking timewalking Ulduar. My HOA stacks a lot of versatility the closer I get to death.