Is dispelling World Buffs now bannable?

sure but at the same time Griefing is still against ToS

Its not griefing


Imagine streaming your raids at the same time every week, or saying at some point in your stream ā€œBWL tonightā€ on your main.

You the dispeller know this time because it is regular and/or announced, you know that he does not stream the raiding character until he is inside the raid.

You are a dispeller that griefs people often, so you target this streamer, knowing their schedule and habits because you have planned this to some degree, then you use a targeting/dispel macro to spam, seeing his guild members outside the instance summoning someone, you rez then spam the macro.

If this guy does this often enough, and has faced no consequences for his actions up to this point, you donā€™t think he would target a streamer? This was all just completely random?

Maybe it was, but IMO he got what he got, I donā€™t care if it is a streamer at this point, the more I think about it, and know that a GM can go back and check logs, their tools are pretty good seeing exactly what they used, this is probably a good thing.

Dispelling a buff on a pvp server is griefing now?

Letā€™s wrap it up boys, using your abilities in the intended fashion is now illegal.

Should I be banned for using bloodthirst to do damage?

lol, the idiots on these forums.


Ask this guy. Iā€™d like to see proof too.

Right now, we only have some semi-solid evidence that the guy in chat is probably a GM, but no proof of an actual ban.

Removing people from the game is way more important than giving people things. People that are harassing other players or, when they bother to do so, investigate bots with live GM instead of an automated system. It is easy for a GM to remove a player from the game.

Giving players things is very big no no in the GM world. Its not that they cant do it its that giving something to a player is a WAY bigger deal that you think it is. To give players things it needs to be escalted logs are pulled and checked and double checked because the last thing you want to do is give away seomthing that didnt exsistā€¦ as has happened in this games past. With varying results. In some cases they let the player keep it. in others the players abuse the item kill all the bosses and then get banned for abusing the item they should not have gotten.

So in the end the idea of Just give a thing is not something that all the GMS have. What they do have is the ability to Move hold mute and remove players.

This GM either doesnt care about his job or thinks hes untocuhable. But well see how Blizzard handles this.

Everything you just described is 100% fine.


Is specifically targeting a player to gank/dispell/camp etc actually not allowed on PvP servers?

I remember one of my guildies was followed and camped in p2, they even had an ally toon to /who his location and the GM response was ā€œWeā€™re not doing anything about it.ā€

Yes. It is.

Ganking people has never been bannable, nor has camping them.

You high?


Payo literally adds people heā€™s going to camp later to his friendā€™s list on stream lol

This moderation is completely inconsistent

As much as I hate to say it you are right. Be it toxic, mean spirited or anything else it doesnā€™t constitute griefing. Doesnā€™t mean that I care in the least that a toxic player was banned. Maybe it will propose the argument of how toxic behavior can be before it constitutes griefing.

Thats really up to blizz isnā€™t is? I see you have your opinion though

Should I be worried Blizz is going to ban me for using intercept in a duel? It inconvenienced that hunter by closing range!!! griefing!!!

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I mean the timeline on Twitch is rather easy to follow. Just read the chat. Footgodx has not linked a citation of a 6 month ban, but you can see the gm in question ask for the name in chat. The streamer gives the name, and 1-2 min later the person tunes in the stream saying he was not even targeting specifically.

So something must have transpired inbetween.

Of course, you might be right and its all an elaborate hoax so the streamer gets more publicity. That could also be the case, which obviously backfired, given the backlash. And if it was a hoax, long term he would only hurt his twitch channel.

Iā€™ve seen the stream of him asking for a ban. I havenā€™t seen evidence that they were, or that it was in fact 6 months.

Iā€™m talking about going out of your way to specifically target one player, what this guy was apparently banned for. Not just getting ganked randomly.

6 months though?

Why would Blizzard care about a third party ToS violation? Stream sniping is not against anything in WoW EULA or CoC.

It also isnā€™t obvious at all. There was a claim made by a streamer, but there is no evidence given to support the claim that someone on his server had a macro specifically targeting him, nor that that player was indeed stream sniping.


Camping people in every setting is literally targeting one player.

Targeting single players happens all the time, for a lot of reasons.