Is Destro venthyr viable dps

To be honest, the “meta-comp police” is a real thing. There’s a lot of groups that will decline a Warlock just for being a Warlock right now. Or they’ll whisper asking for what spec and covenant you are and then decline if you give the wrong answer, even if you can pump out the dps required.

M+ has been that way since it started where people see what’s top right now and want only those classes/specs in their groups and then shun everything else. It typically gets worse after the MDI and people see those comps.

How is that possible, they can’t see your covenant.

I’ve had people whisper and ask before, especially for certain dungeon perks. Though to be fair that may be more them wanting someone with those perks than them declining based on class.

For certain big perk dungeons it’s quickly turning into bring the covenant, not the class.

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Well, “fan bois play what you like” is a real thing too. Many ppl get sucked into these groups and end up wasting their time in failed raids and m+ runs.
To me, I am extremely picky when I choose pugs. I do not have much time to play these days so getting stuck in one of these groups means an entire evening wasted. So yes, I do a quick glance on who the pug is b4 they get an invite.

Ppl can play whatever and however they want, but do not get mad when your passed over or kicked for low dps. Many players just don’t have the time or energy to mess with it.

Define “viable”?

I’m a Venthyr Destruction Warlock. I do well enough, but I’m basically not using my covenant abilities at all when I raid; I use Catastrophe as a pre-cast, and that’s about it. Then again, Destruction Warlock was the second-lowest damage output in mythic raiding a couple weeks back, and then they gave the spec below us (frost mages) a 9% damage boost, so… It’s difficult to say that Destruction is good with any covenant right now.

You seem like the type of dude who declines people in +3s for their spec. Also you play on dalaran, the new player server so what’s that say about you?

I’m 212 Warlock, raiderIO of 904.8, 9/10 Heroic (wish it was 10/10 but PuGing), timed 13+ Mythic key, I still get whispered “Spec/Cov”, I get declined so much being a Demo Warlock as Necrolords even doing quite decent.

Don’t even get me started about groups inviting you to drop Healthstones before a raid pull and then remove you from the group.

Unless your Affliction/Night Fae you’ve shot yourself in the foot. In all my times

I mean, I was 9/10H as Venthyr Destro and had a parse average over 90 as of about 2 1/2 weeks ago before I swapped to NF (had to get more serious for mythic).

Is it viable? Yes.
Will you have to work super hard to be middle of the pack and count on other people screwing up? Also Yes.

Even in sims, the damage spread was about ~150-200 DPS lost by going Venthyr. I found the practicality of Redirected Anima from Niya into burst windows was much smoother than the misaligned Thrill Seeker buff, so in normal application, you’re probably looking at a DPS loss of around 175-250 for using Venthyr over NF.

Skill and knowledge of how to play a spec on a specific fight will more than make up the difference in DPS. If you’re against similarly skilled players, expect to suffer more.

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Yeah, it’s not just that Soul Rot as a DoT does way more damage than Impending Catastrophe. It’s also that the soul binds for Night Fae are just straight better / easier to work with.

Like you have an on demand huge boost to your Mastery whenever you use Soul Rot, compared to a mini lust you have zero control over when it procs. So you can’t really line it up with your cooldowns or what the boss is doing to maximize it. You could have it proc while Shriekwing is invincible for example. Where with Niya, you can shoot Soul Rot out as Sludgefist smacks a pillar and go to work.

Then Soul Shape is just straight better than Door of Shadows for movement, which has always been an Achilles’ heel for Warlocks compared to other classes.

In order for Night Fae to stop being the clear best choice for all aspects of the game, they are going to have to tweak a lot of stuff in 9.1. Just nerfing Soul Rot’s damage or buffing IC’s won’t do it.

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Pretty much. Imo removing cast time of Door of Shadows wouldn’t make it OP. It’s a 1min CD teleport already so why does it need a long cast time…?

Either that or make it a .5sec cast time otherwise it’s mostly useless in fights for an “oh sh!t” escape.

The only way to use it right now is to preemptively cast it knowing some sh!t is coming which almost never happens right now.

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A lot of groups do Raider io app before inviting - Covenant is included there.

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I mean if destro, if you won’t will push keys, do raids or pvp, maybe you can use it for quests and stuff. But the class is awfull. I mean if you wanna go affliction it works on raids and some pvp comps, but the gameplay is extremely anoying.
But don’t go destro, unless you like to punish yourself for something.

No Nerfs should happen, just for the love of Warlocks, tune up the other covenants…

Nerfing covenants will cause more problems then good… imagine changing covenants 3 months in to have all that progression lost in the covenant…

I switched from Venthyr to Necrolords, waited a month to see if changes would happen, literally most disheartening thing I did, you literally feel like quitting losing all that progress to change.

All that time down the drain.

It doesn’t work like that. If you nerf NF it doesn’t buff the other covenants dud.

No I’m saying don’t nerf night Fae but buff the others…

As I said which you must not have read…

So who’s the dud… haha, atleast I can read sentences haha

Rlx I was saying about the priest comment. He’s the dud

Ahh I’m the dud then , theirs no comment reply on you post so I thought it was for the one above, my apologies.