Is Deathrolling Legal?

I report the same guy on one of my servers almost daily, he’s NEVER been silenced, so the enforcement of that is very lax unfortunately. Sits there and spams in say, general chat and trade all day long.

Deathrolling is not legal. The FBI are on their way to your house now.

2 people roll for gold. the amount is agreed upon before rolling. you roll off of the previous person’s roll, and the first to roll 1 loses.

example: 2 people are deathrolling for 50k

person 1: /roll 50000 (rolls 24978)

person 2: /roll 24978 (rolls 13876)

person 1: /roll 13876 (rolls 435)

person 2: /roll 435 (rolls 73)

person 1: /roll 73 (rolls 6)

person 2: /roll 6 (rolls 1)

Person 2 then pays person 1 the agreed upon amount of 50k.

For OP: It’s not illegal.

You forgot a very important detail, the initial roll should be the bet * 10

so for 50k the starting roll would be 500 000

No. That’s the dumbest thing I’ve ever heard. Sorry, but that would take forever and it’s just pointless to add the additional rolls. :stuck_out_tongue:

It’s true though, if you don’t believe me watch this video

No. :heart:

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at 11:02 he rolls 25g with a dude and you can see the chat window right after and the initial roll is 250.

:clown_face: <— That’s you

Your brain seems to be lacking power, so I’ll try to explain it to you the best I can.

That’s classic, where gold is much harder to come by. They probably add the additional rolls so it won’t be over in 20 seconds.

On retail, people have literally hundreds of thousands of gold so there’s no need to add the extra rolls. Because rolling for 50k already takes ~3 minutes. So if you make the initial roll 500k, you’re looking at wasting a solid chunk of your time. Seeing as most people gamble during raid breaks, it would be kind of stupid to waste that much time gambling.

Don’t be daft.

:poop: ← that’s you.

It’s about the suspense dude

It is when an alligator has prey in it’s mouth and rolls in rapid succession in an attempt to sever their prey’s limb, knock them unconscious, or drown them. I would assume doing that is highly illegal.

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I’d assume inciting potential minors to underaged gambling might be a crime, like, everywhere, yes.

im reading the post from people who super hate deathrolling and i can’t help but to wonder how much gold was it they lost.

If two people are rolling for 300k gold, how does that work according to your rules?

Because you can’t do /roll 3000000. The game doesn’t let you. The highest you can do is /roll 999999. Does that mean people aren’t able to gamble for higher than 99.9k?

I swear that 10x thing was actually the dumbest thing I’ve heard in a while. :stuck_out_tongue:

But you legit confirmed that it’s what they’re doing in classic.