Is dampening driving away healers

no, bad game play and toxic teammates are. 1

Honestly, I feel dampening is just lazy designsā€¦

I just hate super long arena matches.

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Tru, mana at this point has lost almost all meanings in a MMO. It is practically infinite which has rendered potions irrelevant.

Same thing with health regen in and off combat.

What is dumb the most is that classes that revolve around cooldowns get absolutely screwed by this. Not to mention that utility abilities like Spirit Link Totem are now garbage because you canā€™t follow it with topping the hp of the entire team, but instead procceeds to handcapp the entire team.

Yeah I agree that dampening should do something like increase mana cost of healing abilities instead of reducing healing output (or find some balance between the two). Seems like healing efficiency is not even a factor in solo-shuffle because of how fast the healing reduction takes place.

The gameplay design is just terrible. Thatā€™s why healers arenā€™t playing.

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just make mana run out and equalize healer mana use

dampening is just lazy design

make mana tank hard, kill off self sustain heals on dps

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I really stand by pacing as a big wow problem. Thereā€™s a reason I left LoL. Iā€™m too old to try and keep up with that crazy pacing and the moba feel doesnā€™t fit well in an MMORPG IMHO. Whether itā€™s arenas or even mythic, dps needs to slow a bit so healers feel like they have time to adjust. Then I think dampening is a good tool to prevent the slogfest of 30 min matches.

Meelee train is really frustrating for any caster as well. The stuns and interrupts combined feel terrible. As demo with unending resolve and casting circle, feels like I can do almost nothing even though I tank the dps well.