I’m talking about the add on, not the pathetic excuse of a preset in-game
Take two seconds go to wowhead and import the old UI if you hate it so much. By the time you even bother commenting to this you can already have it done.
People seem.to be misunderstanding what others are looking for.
They don’t want a bar layout. They want to old art style back.
Bartender has a button to turn on the old blizzard art.
(But you still have to customize your bars around it so it’s not exactly the same)
Correct. No one wants to do research or play with any settings to figure this out. Thank you for informing them
I mean, personally, I want both. The art style, the layout (hell, the layout from wrath even), even just well-tuned functionality of it. I have muscle memory of WoW, and my capacity to play and my overall experience of the game has been degraded by the new UI.
I get that. I didn’t care ncern myself much with the new UI, because I was just going to use my addons.
But none of my addon developers are updating their stuff. So I’m screwed.
Please tell me this isn’t your approach to settin up your class…
We are updating things, We have been for some time, What people don’t seem to understand is blizzard changes a LOT in the background so it will take time.
Remember we aren’t paid for this, It’s a labor of love and in addition to that, Many smaller addons have had their functionality baked into the new UI so they don’t really need to be updated, they no longer serve a purpose.
12 posts.
Funny that. Seems like a rash of new alts in here today about this topic.
heres some help though
Thanks for all y’all do.
I am 57 years old, tons of nerve damage heads to toe and told my mental faculties are slipping in here and I am having no trouble whatsoever with this new UI…on MULTIPLE classes and specs
And people seem to think that only the bars changed in the patch. I wonder if they’ve opened up the character sheet or achievements window.
I’m not talking about those of you working hard to do this stuff. I’m talking about the ones that have absolutely said they’re not updating them at all.
I’m not angry about it, no one gets paid to do this. I’m just sad. And some of those addons absolutely did more than the base UI.
On a related note…is there a way to increase the size of just the talent trees? Going in and trying to re-stat my army of characters I’m having to peer intently at the tree to read the abilities ^^;
As far as I can tell, no.
It’s a bit hacky, but if the in-game UI is too small, maybe you could build your talents with the Wowhead calculator and then export them?
If you’re one of the ClassicUI devs, know that I love and appreciate you. Used ClassicUI during BFA after they made the terrible changes and am hopeful to use it again soon!
You guys are underappreciated. We thank you for all the QoL changes you make for the game!
Except its not even close to classic ui.
Thanks! This worked 1000 better <3