Is Classic's playerbase way bigger than Retail?

Looking for a clear answer on this, seems like everyone in retail just hates every patch that comes out and is quitting. Is it even worth playing retail? Should I just play Classic?

Like anyone can tell YOU what you’re going to like. Play retail or classic, stick with one that you find entertaining. Don’t let the general discussion make up your mind, no one here likes anything.


Sub numbers only Blizz had.
Go try it out if you want.
Go try Classic out.
Make up your own mind.

It could be, there’s no reliable public data to look at so you’ll just get a bunch of readings based on tea leaves at best and motivated speculation at worst.

Nobody knows for sure, but it looks like classic has more players. BFA is hilariously bad.


I can’t tell you which game you would prefer, only which I prefer. Since I’m not you, my preference wouldn’t be much use to you.

Try both and decide for yourself which game is worth playing.

Each of the following choices is fine:

  • You may prefer Classic.
  • You may prefer retail.
  • You may choose to play both.

Either way you look at it theres a firestorm going on in both forums.

It was the first month or two. Now i’m not so sure since so many people have quit classic. Cities in classic look noticeably more empty than they were before. It’s harder to tell how many people are playing retail because of how much bigger the world is and how much more spread out the players are.


Do yourself a huge favor.

Don’t listen to people on these forums. Enjoy what you enjoy.


not even close. everyone is pvping in classic and the queues are still longer than retail.

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I’m not going to play the version of the game that is least competitive and has less players. That’s a good way to waste my time. :frowning:

All depends on if you want to play the game that is ruined by the company, or ruined by the players.

Go retail then, because classic is not “competitive” at all. Unless the competitive experience you want is spending more time doing literally nothing in AV than the other people.

Classic isn’t competitive (all content released so far is 12 patches past relevance gearwise and mechanics are stupid easy). But it’s probably the better game overall, and the endgame playerbase is at least comparable.

Classic player here, but also someone who won’t admit to other Classic players that I also play retail.

If you want to know what’s on the Classic side of things, there’s huge amounts of hype each new update there is.

However, phase 2 objectively was a failure. Everyone and I mean everyone hated it. Arguably I think it killed the health of the game at that point. However with the release of battlegrounds things have gotten better.


Aside from classic drama between players, Classic players seem much more happier with the state of their game than what we have on retail.

Looking at Classics forum, it’s nothing but complaints as well. Welcome to the forums.

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:joy: :joy: imagine thinking this…

I’m not wrong though, fam.

The classic forums, reddit, YouTube, and just everywhere I could find people were screaming and crying that phase 2 sucked. It was the first time I saw the utopia of classic get shattered all because blizzard opened transfers in the dumbest way possible.

Yep phase 2 sucked for some Alliance and the most hyped bg, AV, sucks for horde. Sounds like a success :+1:

The problem with Classic is that theres only so much you can do outside of PvP (and even that can get boring after a while)

Retail has a lot more to do, but the current content BFA is really lacking in quality

Not the case on Faerlina. When Rallying Cry or Warchief’s Blessing goes off the whole city lags for like a minute. So many people there, more so than I’ve seen in Orgrimmar on retail in recent years.