Not trolling but I was looking into playing the class, but found out that they just taken along for key abilities endgame. So basically, they are there for those abilities and nothing more.
Not HPS and not DPS.
In WSG, for flag mechanics.
In raid, for rez and mana mechanics.
But not for damage and not for heals. Something that every other class is actually capable of doing.
Only in sweaty try hard raids that pimple faces teenagers do, in actual game play druids are brought along as all 4 specs
As someone who is rolling a druid, i play it so i dont need to feel obligated to perform or to do good, or that i need to have a shot at gear.
Im fully aware that ill be brought only for mark and innervate if a fight lasts that long / brez if someone auto pilots.
So, as i near 60, ill still sweat, get max engineering, get pre raid bis, and have enchanted gear (with in gold restraints, for now) and be fully content knowing that i should never be prio on any gear, or have any major responsibilities outside of decursing.
Gravy town frolic for me.
I played warrior tank in 19 classic, and im excited to not have to buy every consume under the sun, get world buffs, have a threat, mit, threat-mit, and dps set.
only the sweats do that, and they optimized the fun out of the game dont be like them
Cat is still better for leveling even if you put all your points in the other two specs.
I was watching a lvl 49 warrior chew though the southern furlbogs in feralas earlier. It was taking about 10-25 seconds to kill a single furlbog. While 1-3 the kill speed dropped to 10 seconds.
Of course I had time to do this, because my kill speed was about 1-2 minutes per mob.
in classic druid is a true jack of all trades, master of none.
If you want the ability to play everything (even more-so now with dual spec, arguably making druids stronger as a class) play a druid (range dps, melee dps, tank, healer).
If you want to parse numbers go big wow, play something else.
From only looking at the endgame raiding environment, if you’re in a group with competent dps and heals you’ll never be the number one in either, however you bring significant buffs and utility to said raids, LotP and Moonkin aura are very nice to have and I’ve seen brez’s/innervs change a wipe to a clear.
Tldr: druid is amazing to play if you want to be a support style class.
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it takes a real parse pony fomo type to fail to see the value a druid brings to any type of content.
These one note meter chasers are some of the saddest people to see in the game/world
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You already mentioned WSG, but Druid is also easily only second to hunter in WPvP as any spec. Rogue also being a stealth class shares that 2nd spot but druid can heal, has superior mobility outdoors, and has a lot more available specs, so I would consider it better in my personal opinion.
Level 60 Druid-ing is held back 90% by the doofy talent trees, 10% bad itemization.
Druids struggle a lot in Classic. They lack DPS in both their balance and feral trees. While solid tanks, actually amazing on patchworks, they struggle to gear as itemization is just extremely poor for bear tanks. Also to be a capable tank they really need to farm Gnomer for the MCP. While being solid healers, unlike other healers, their defining heals hots, don’t stack so often don’t scale well with other druids.
Often in raids, you will see 1-2 druids tops, which on the positive side does tend to make them gear up more easily. They tend to do well in 5 mans though, and are always wanted in WSG for running the flag where they really have no equal.
While being solid healers, unlike other healers, their defining heals hots, don’t stack so often don’t scale well with other druids.
Is this still the case with the removal of buff/debuff limits?
HPS? if you are parsing heals, you have officially gone too far.
druids are just fine at healing.
yes, buffs still don’t stack with each other the best one wins.
As you noted the other benefits already, you can actually play feral in raids despite your present ideas. Feral is actually really good, but you’re going to be farming your primary consumable a lot… The odd part of Feral is that your primary weapon is your main consumable.
If you have questions then ask.
PvP is pretty unique if you have good balance gear. Its the only part of the game where the jack of all trades thing really comes into play.
Like for example, you might start a fight in cat form (for stealth), engage and dps (freecast starfires/wraths and dots), switch to healing (either yourself or others), and then tank a rogue or warrior in bear form or even moonkin form if you are engaged on.