Is classic getting dedicated physical servers?

That only effects your PC. That has zero impact on servers.

Communication issues with spell effect communication and changes in effect (damage taken, debuffs etc) are higher and not a specific thing to your PC.

Zydas sounded like he was talking about graphical type stuff :man_shrugging:

I canā€™t speak to how the communication of players using spells/abilities to the server has changed over the years. I know very little about it not being a Blizzard employee and all.

From what Iā€™ve read (since server-client communication is not private), BfA and Legion have a far higher load than anything beforehand. Though the only thing we currently have to compare is the Vanilla 1.12 client since we havenā€™t got a working Classic server.

OK, but the most we can know is what a payload looks like thatā€™s being sent to the server and how often it is sent. How the back-end processes that payload we can only guess.

So just because more stuff is being sent that doesnā€™t necessarily mean itā€™s harder on the servers. It could mean that. But we only have half the picture.

Thank you all for the input in this thread.

Increased communication generally means increased calculation load so that it can work out it needs to send the message.

You can do a lot with a little or a little with a lot. Thatā€™s all Iā€™m saying.

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I donā€™t think the less advanced spell effects matter for server stability. Graphical effects are all rendered client-side. Nothing to do with the server.

However, it is possible that a reduced need for communication might mean the server can handle a bit more than Retail. But itā€™s pure speculation my part.

Itā€™s a factor. Even on high end PCs raiding hurts your FPS alot. Abilities are significantly more complicated than they were back in the day. Not only for you but NPCā€™s as well. All the calculations for combat take up alot of processing power now. It all adds up to the game not running well for most people anymore.

Itā€™s not done to balance server loads, itā€™s done to balance zone loads. When you shard or CRZ, you arenā€™t leaving your ā€œserverā€. Multiple realms live on a single server. What is happening is you are being moved to a shard with fewer players in a specific geofence of the zone as to make sure thereā€™s enough mobs, nodes, etc to go around for that particular geofence.