Is CC ever going to be addressed?

Also, the character Mongo and his scenes were written by Richard Pryor according to Mel Brooks.

Oh yeah? I didn’t know that one. I really need to go through a mel brooks-athon again.

I’m referring to times when they spam Shadow Mend and Radiance as a means of sustained healing, instead of Atonement through Smite, Penance and SW: Pain.

Skill involved is recognising the difference between times when sustained healing is required vs stronger direct healing, with the resource of mana being the leverage. There’s nothing laughable about this concept.

Simple case of deduction.

Trust me, there are still plenty of dumb times when players will CC and cross-CC.

Because there wouldnt be so much of a need. 8-seconds of downtime is really nothing to a healer if there is no cross-CC involved, and an 8 second downtime would only be a few classes who could do that.

Neither did I until today. Ran across it while searching for the scene were he knocks out the horse.

Life as a warrior is a life of waddling. Been that way since I started this thing in 05

I miss Richard

I’m posting as a player not a class.

I needed to hook myself up to chemo as I was reading your comment

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Or god forbid MoP Godcomp

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Yeah, something needs to be done. No CC should last longer than 8 seconds. I got Polymorphed and Sapped back to back today.

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As a sub rogue currently i fully endorse the ability to cc the whole enemy team. Y

Poly and sap are in the same DR category.


I think you have some fair points.

I haven’t played SWTOR (Star wars the old
Republic) in years but I feel that they did their cc diminishing returns well. Basically each player had a bar- getting cc by ANY cc filled the bar x amount . When the bar was full, they were immune to cc for a short time.

This both promoted smart use of cc while also reducing mindless cc chains that felt un fun. SWTOR had tons of issues, sure, but I think their cc mechanic was refreshing.

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Not in Classic.

We aren’t talking about Classic.


You’re making an assumption here unless you have proof that the bulk of players feel this way. Do you?

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You get a mute! And you get a mute! And you get a mute!


:joy: :joy: :joy:

(yes it’s a complete sentence)

I don’t think I could endorse that system in WoW. I like having CC’s that differ in functionality and have different counters. People would just become frustrated with players who “waste” a portion of the bar on an incap when they could have stunned a target instead.

That’s not a CC, that’s two CCs executed by two different players who coordinated well with one another while you had no CC breaks available. One point of damage would have broken both and being in combat at all would have prevented the sap.

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