Is Cata dead?

Is Cataclysm considered dead? Asking for a friend

No it’s not dead.


Are you planning on starting now? What faction/class? What sort of gaming activities are you looking to do?


Cata is very active but if you’re planning on starting at level one in the vanilla, BC, and wrath zones you’ll pretty much be alone until 80.

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Did we really need another thread asking if cata is dead.

Learn to use the search function, people.

Cata has just under the combined raiders of all 3 combined Era/Sod/Anniversary, it is by far the most populated version of classic


I just took a dk from 60 to 85 basically tanking dungeons the whole way and my longest que was like 5m, right now is a good time to level/play with joyous journeys and a new patch about to drop

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I don’t know – login and find out…pretty easy to do.

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It’s pretty dead. Spending anywhere from 8-14 hours in queue as a tank for, if im lucky, 1 dungeon.

I want to play cats what server should I play and what template I have minimal experience but I been catching on also should I go horde or alliance. I work nights and game 12-6am cst lol.

Then theres ppl like me who play it regularly just for random bgs and dailies.

not as dead as Retail, there are some servers like Quel’Thalas that I don’t see full.

that’s because that server is full of bad players and people xfered off to not be insta kicked from groups.


retail is poppin like crazy. literally millions of players.

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Just from my current personal experience. Then no it’s not. I see a lot of max level players, and as for leveling I’m finding groups in dungeon finder pretty consistently in the 40-60 range.

There was a slow period where around level 30 the dungeons were super slow to pop, but eventually that did get better. The dungeon queue mixes different servers as well so that helps with times.

There’s a new patch coming so more high levels should return. And sometime this year than mop is coming out, so there will be a huge influx of players near that time as well.

Those are the bandwagon players, kind of like LeBron fans who switch their favorite team to whichever team LeBron is playing on. These players will engage with retail when the new patch is released and then transition to classic and SoD when the new phases are introduced there.

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No, this not the new servers, Quel’thalas are in time of Cataclysm, This is worrying because not only are they old servers, they are Latam servers that do not seem to be attracting much of a community other than the USA.

The player base is notorious for being filled with toxic and bad players. A similar situation occurred in Cata, where these players refused play with each other, leading to them rolling on US servers and bringing that toxicity to our servers now everyone suffers.


If toxicity is to be blamed, let’s first start with the GDKP’s and Bot farmers raid groups that Blizzard has been undermining among the elitist guilds like limit (possibly) and the Asian mafia leading that bot control.

Ltwhale would never agree with this cause he bought carries using GDKP and has spent over 2 million (probably bought) gold.

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