Is cast mistweaver dying? The hero talents both look to be about Damage

“Caster” MW felt amazing to play in both raid and M+ so naturally blizzard gutted it to favor the crap that is fistweaving. For the first time in 10 years I am not looking forward to MW and likely won’t touch it. It’s truly sad.


Caster monk has been the raid meta the past 2 seasons…

I feels it’s safer in keys when you don’t know how awful your team will be into the low 20s.


Fistweaver is far less stressful because the standard DPS rotation can cover typical group damage which lets you save mana for the huge throughput checks (i.e. Soothing Mists and Vivify spam) if absolutely needed.

The smart healing complaint for AT is odd since splitting-your-healing-across-injured-targets-and-minimizing-overhealing is what every healer wants. And you have the tools for priority healing if needed.

There’s a reason all the highest MW M+ key completion are all using Ancient Teachings:

Indeed, Fistweaving was difficult to play at the start of Dragonflight (I initially quit this character because of it) but cumulatively all the changes since then gave it the power it needed.

The 13% nerf hits caster/raid MWs much, much more than Fistweavers/M+. Most of the nerfs this tier (e.g. Essence Font and Unison) have hit caster MWs and not Fistweavers. The 13% nerf doesn’t affect healing from Ancient Teachings and Awakened Jadefire at all.

Granted once you get into the low 20s, dangerous enemy abilities just one-shot people so the extra throughput from casting MW is even less necessary.

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Maybe Mythic+ is the problem then. Because it made the healers for the worse.

Honestly, i feel like Blizzard should learn from Vanilla, making the roles much more diverse instead of just making them do DPS and just enforce it. Healers only heal, DPS only DPS, Tanks only tank, everybody can interupt and CC.

nature’s vigil is diff than AG because it turns ST healing into damage for resto, so it lets them do damage while they heal

its been gutted and not run often anymore (at least in keys)

vanilla healing is reliant on mana management as a mechanic and going back to that would not be particularly fun imo

Uhhh what? We have hots and baby trees that heal while we pew pew in cat form.

I don’t know if players would really like this. Dragonflight added significantly more healing for the average group in dungeons compared to Shadowlands, and that was met with a lot of dissatisfaction from healers who were struggling in many ways to keep the group alive. But if healers could do nothing but heal, that structure would need to become even more intense lest you think it would be engaging for healers to just stand around and watch any time there is nothing to heal.

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One can only hope.

Blizzard should’ve double down on this instead of giving in. If a minority of healers is upset being able to HEAL as a HEALER, then they shouldn’t be playing the role to begin with.

Then so shall it be.

Blizzard is capable of doing more then just turning Healers into extra DPS slots. It’s them wanting to modernize healing but not understanding how to do it without ridding the role completely.

Side eyes Overwatch 2

If they allow casting while moving and more heals that don’t cost GCD to try to GCD dance a bit, and incentivize healing more over damage, then we would have something. And i think there’s where they had it best there… They kept it simple there.

It’s more engaging to do then doing the same thing i would be doing on my rogue.

Where’s the actual gameplay variety here? How can you actually find it engaging to use the same tactics you would use on your DPS, on your healer? Let alone your tank?

To each their own, but I doubt many would agree.

I’m not saying the gameplay loop is perfect or even good. What I’m saying is that if healers can’t DPS when there is downtime, then there either can’t exist downtime or healers will legitimately be doing nothing during downtime. Sure it would be great if what you were doing on your healer at times when healing isn’t required was strictly different than what you do when on a DPS role, but that is better than just twiddling your thumbs waiting for the next healing event.

“Wow, i love pressing buttons to do damage as a healer the same as DPS, i’m so glad i picked a role that allows me to do the same things as the DPS”!!

You’re saying this is true? :point_up:

I don’t even hear people say that, but make up other excuses instead of just admiting that. So i find your doubts a little disagreeable.

If you tell me how to cut down on the downtime that isn’t doing damage, i’l be all ears then.

All the “Twiddling your thumbs” talk just tells me you guys are just rather impatient.

Maybe we can start taking the timer out of Mythic+ then and go from there.

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I think the issue is more that WoW, historically, healers were an easy role. M+ and more specifically recent m+ has pushed healers to perform as well as other roles in similar content.

So a healer that had a lower difficulty check previously, now feels “worse”.

To incentivize healing more over damage, it would mean heals get nerfed. More damage (from mobs) incoming.

I am fine with that. But a ton of healers have historically revolted whenever healing has been pushed to be more engaging.

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I disagree. Keeping people alive has always been a stressful job. Any healers who are experienced enough wouldn’t deny the stress that comes with it. Esp when dealing with people who aren’t smart and think the fire is a warm spot to lie on.

And to those who deny, i question the benefit of doing so rather then being honest with the role.

…By not having them heal at all? :face_with_raised_eyebrow:

It’s like saying M+ pushes the tanks, by not tanking at all.

They shouldn’t be healing if they have a problem with that.


Stress and what causes stress is different for different people.

For me personally, I find dps-ing a ton more stressful than healing. I find healing almost therapeutic. It calms me. Its one of the reasons I enjoy it. I wouldnt seek out healing if it was going to only bring me stress.

I dont know what you are talking about here. I dont see content where healers are not healing at all. Outside of going back to trivial content.

I am not disagreeing. Only explaining certain feedback blizzard gets whenever healing is adjusted to be more engaging.

There isn’t, at least not in WoW. But then, I’m not convinced there should be. Even with more stringent healing requirements earlier in Dragonflight, there were still plenty of opportunities for healers to add damage.

What on earth does that have to do with what I said? If healers can only heal and there’s a moment of no healing to be done, what will the healer be doing?

The timer has nothing to do with this. When there’s no healing to be done, it’s a better play to add damage as the healer than to wait for the next instance of healing. That’s true whether your group cares about beating a timer or not.


Unfortunately, yes. I’m tired of losing healing specs to dps healing, personally.

I miss when Mistweaver could act as a decent caster.


This is an issue on its own imo.

When enough specs start to slant towards dps-healing, it makes the ones that cant do it at the same time less desirable.

Its a novelty when its 1. or 2. As time grows and it becomes more, the ones that cant will be left out of content in general. Because the ones that can are just bringing more to the group while still meeting healing checks.

Are you trying to say that people can’t get stressed from healing?

How does M+ pushes Healers then? Because from the looks of it, it’s all damage and no heals here. Or any heals they do talk is described as “twiddling your thumbs”.

…I thought were talking about M+?..

Then deal with the downtime.

That’s litteraly all i hear from you guys. “i’m just impatient, hurry up, go go go”. Why else y’all be asking healers to DPS?

You ask that like it’s a bad thing. That’s a failure on your part here to understand that not all downtimes are bad. You guys will literally be fine not pressing a button for one single second.

If it has nothing to do with this, then you would have no problem with the downtime then.

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I am not saying I can’t. I am saying that in general, I dont. Specific situations can be stressful, sure. But, in general, I will stress out more dpsing.

So that I am on the same page, what are you looking at where healers are not healing at all?

Yeah, me too. As a healer I have yet to run any dungeons where I cast zero healing spells. Or anything remotely close.

But that’s just you tho. Just because you find it stressful, doesn’t mean it’s not for anybody else who plays the role.

From you guys.

You guys consider healing to be twiddling your thumbs and using anything you can to change the role where Healing is just an extra DPS slot.

Wheres the gameplay variety?