Is Carapace Spine Crossbow available in Phase 1?


According to this:

Carapace Spine Crossbow was added in the dungeon loot update after Dire Maul, which added many rare drops and changed some of the bad uncommons into decent rares for some higher level dungeons.

The crossbow in question will not be available in phase 1.

You answered your own question there bud!

But really, I dont know. There are several items that are in P1 that were not originally in the game at that time. Warrior quest axe is one of them IIRC, ice barbed spear is another. I really dont know what blizz’s reasoning is for having some “later added catch up weapons” to P1 and not others. shrug

Yeah, I’m preparing for the worst but hoping to be surprised that they still left some post 1.5 or even some 1.10 stuff in Phase 1.

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I really wish they would leave some of the old items alone with their old abilities, like Invulnerable Mail xD

Well the comment I posted was from a user, not a Blizzard poster. So I’m wondering if there has been any official word for this question. Because it could be interpreted ambiguously.

Don’t worry about it tbh.

All it’s going to do is slightly change your pre-raid BiS

Found info that definitively answered my question, for anyone else who is curious:

(Search WoW classic content plan)

We’ll launch Classic with content from original WoW through patch 1.2.x, then the second update will include content that was in original WoW 1.3 and 1.4, the third Classic update will have 1.5 and 1.6 content, and so on.

The crossbow in question was released in 1.4 according to an itemization dot info website.

Yes, but they are also releasing items that were after those patches in the first phase. They arent consistent in their implementation.

They’re restricting some of the items that were released in later patches due to them being overpowered for earlier patches, however most of the statement revolves around either the dungeons being released in the correct order or the 1.10 itemization change. The Titanic Leggings were one of the examples given of a 1.10 item that will be too overpowered for the earlier phases. If the crossbow was added in 1.4 to a launch dungeon then it will probably be in either phase 1 with the rest of the launch content or phase 2 which is when the 1.4 content is being implemented. I’m pretty sure that only the devs know the specific details at this point.