I’ve been searching all over and can’t find what I’m looking for.
I am stuck at “Campaign : 4/5 Chapters” with a note saying to “Wait for word from Alleria Windrunner”.
Is everyone at this point or am I missing something I need to do to advance the Campaign?
same i think we have to wait until season 1
Another poster on this Forum stated that it’s gonna be unlocked next Tuesday, Sept 3
I really really like this new expansion but something that Blizzard really needs to change is to release stories in blocks. It is really annoying to play through a storyline only to be stopped and then having to wait until the next part is released. By the time it is finally released the elation is gone and part of what led to this is forgotten. Don’t get me wrong, I think that it’s fine that some part of the storyline be released in chunks but when you are doing a campaing you should be able to do it in one go.
Ive played this game since day one of the original game back in 2004 the cinematics have slowly gotten worse and worse. This game was known for amazing/breath taking cinematics. Timegates were there and that was no big deal. Having it on the campaign is a little ridiculous. To give people the option to buy early release version, that part is null in void since now we all have to wait for Alleria to give us orders. Now having the advantages of playing early is ruined and I’d rather be compensated for the dlc price in character boosts and WoW tokens. Since now there’s no real advantage to getting ahead or being dedicated to the game by buying their most expensive pre-order only to be let down… I do hope you have a way to fix this.
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Same with me. I’m looking everywhere to see if this is a a bug or if the fifth chapter just hasn’t been released yet.