Is calia menthol going to be a leader in df

i feel like we were left hanging after she replaced sylvanas in 9.2.5

can we expect to see more of her. i hate when story is left unfinished and we left hanging

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I love that name. The undead could use some minty freshness.


I feel Baine was a character that had no point being in SL at all… They did Nothing with him at all lol
But I’m sure there will be more to see with her. The real question is why so little in the cities has changed in this time skip were doing.


yeah they did they dropped him off a cliff in an intro questline that nobody liked


I mean, he did what he’s best at: sat around being useless and worried about Anduin.


Lol tbh that could a been anyone or any npc. It just bugs me he sat in Oribos all expansion :joy:

They missed a chance to have Baine meet up with Cairne in SL. Cairne would have ended up in Ardenweald or Bastion.

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Is ‘Calia Menthol’ a new brand of wow pipe tobacco ?


Well hasn’t is already been established that the desolate council was going to take up the leadership role and she is now a member of them? That seemed to be the impression I got while doing that quest line they recently added.


Yup, Desolate Council… thank goodness. She is no Forsaken.

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As long as she is a light, with lower tar and nicotine, leader.


Well technically neither are a lot of the current “Forsaken”. It was a label that described then back when they were first mistaken for just another breed of scourge. But now a days people understand the difference and as the gathering that took place between “Forsaken” and their living family members showed, it was possible that this gap could be bridged.

But then Sylvanas wouldn’t let that happen, she still needed her “arrows”.


I don’t know but she needs to be, I need more of that thiccness.

Much like an alcohol-based mouthwash, Calia will slowly erode the forsaken from within and turn them into shudder nice guys

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When I used to hear a horde NPC say “Lok Tar” it always sounded like ‘low tar’

Forsaken at first weren’t really bad guys I thought. They were just outcasts. Nobody could see them as anything more than dead corpses and nobody was more revolted by them then their very own families and kind.

It was sort of sad.

I’m sure a lot of them wanted revenge and truly did become angry and evil as they are made to be in the game. But there are probably a whole lot of them… especially the poor people raised by slyvanas more recently, who rather seek acceptance still.

Without a tyrant running over them, and anduin as king, they could have a better chance at that peace.

A council was a good idea for the forsaken. I like that Calia is a part of it and she is there to represent that different side of the forsaken. But also you have the others who represent the forsaken who were treated so terribly by the living and then there is Lilian.

Somebody who now for some unknown reason wants to help the forsaken accept their fate and heal. She’s a cool character but I still don’t understand why she changed so much all of a sudden lol or why she is a leader of forsaken. She literally just joined it. :joy:

Guess they don’t have many more fleshed our characters though.


Now in plague flavour!


so that’s why she looks like she’s dead, smoking all them menthols.

She’s pretty hot. She can be my leader.

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