Is Brutosaur still visible on BMAH?

My wishful thinking at this point is that it’ll end up on the BFA timewalking vendor for gold cap. Who knows though. The most frustrating part about this is not its disappearance, but Blizzard’s unwillingness to publicly address it.

I submitted a ticket about it last June and was told there were no confirmed bug reports, even though bug reports were pouring in for quite a while. It’s really frustrating.


Should put it on the Trading Post for tendies.


I think patch 10.1.5 fix the BMAH and made Brutosaur come up. Just this week it came up 3 TIMES! No, u didn’t read wrong, 3 TIMES. Monday it came up in the server NEMESIS (BR server), and I am Brazilian, I play on this server and confirmed the information. Wednesday it came up on an US server that I don’t remember the name (TSM app send me a notification) and TODAY (07/20/2023) it is up in Goldrinn (also a BR server). I have a character in goldrinn just for BMAH things and I went there and confirmed.


this is the way its operated since its inception in mists.

While that’s true, that doesn’t mean it’s a good design.