Is BM hunter the worst 1v1 spec in WPvP

Look at all the mm hunters

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Brilliant, link arena numbers in a conversation about 1v1… because we all know arena is all about that 1v1 fight.

It just shows how good MM is. MM just gets ran at in 1v1s and can’t do anything about it.

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There are no 1v1 arenas… Absolutely amazing that you think arena representation which is 2v2 at best has anything to do with a 1v1 fight.

1v1 is not the same as 2v2 or 3v3. As MM in a 1v1 I don’t get “ran”. I may eventually lose the fight, but that’s more often than not from being out geared or someone else coming to help the person.

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No kidding.

It’s indicative of how good MM is in any PvP scenario.

For MM it is.

You just get ran at and killed by anybody with an IQ past single digits.

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No. No it is not. 1v1 is not 2v2 or 3v3. Anyone who thinks this is foolish at best.

Incorrect. Keep believing what you want, have a day.

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You go against any melee in a 1v1 you just get shut down. It is amazingly easy to shut down a MM because all they can do is sit still and do damage. There lack of damage out side of casts is extremely pitiful. Even more so when going against heavily armored classes!

Going against any other ranged is just a joke since you will get out pressured and once again don’t have the damage to out pressure them while weaving in and out of site. Which you MUST do or you will just get destroyed damage wise, which will force you to burn your cds faster than you will burn theirs.

MM is the WORST 1v1 spec. Bm as a ranged spec is much better in every single way.

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I’ve figured out how to kite melee 1v1. It’s called not wasting time trying to use aimed shot.

MM is quite capable of kiting if they know how.

RF does a pretty significant amount of damage with the right azerite traits, and when I catch you in my freeze trap, leaves plenty of time to line up and aimed shot.

You may eventually win sure, but I assure you, a MM hunter who knows what they’re doing can make you work for every % of hp you take.

BM is so easy to beat as MM it’s almost comical.

Ah so not doing anything.

What’s your plan when a melee uses 1 of there 3 gap closers and catches you with out adapt up?

With azerite traits sure. But any one with a brain will either dodge your freeze trap, or use a spell to completely negate it. Getting traps as mm is also harder than any of the other specs.

Like I said gap closers and other classes out pressuring you. Anyone with a pinch of pvp xp will shut down MM.

Then any BM you fought must be legally blind.

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What is this nonsense about adapt? Do you really think that’s my only way of getting away from melee? The plan as you ask is quite simple. Force them to use gap closers, so I can use gap openers.

Every melee with half a brain has never dodged my freeze trap because I’m waiting for them to be on top of me so I can throw it at my feet basically.

Actually pretty easy considering that melee predictably are going to get to melee eventually. There is no scenario where I am going to keep them away forever, which is what freeze trap and other gap openers are for.

Amusing that you seem to think that as MM I have no way to open gaps.

No, BM just doesn’t have the burst to compete with MM in a 1v1 scenario.

Mm should never be able to get their burst off against a good BM.

I’m sorry but you have to be playing the class wrong if you’re losing to a Ret Paladin in open world.

I was beating 470+ IL Ret Pallies as a 420 IL BM Hunter, there is just no reason they should hit you.

I understand this about the Ret matchup, but just seeing that is a big red flag.

You shouldn’t lose to any melee unless they are just better than you. The biggest thing is making sure you run binding shot and rotate your Stun, Trap, Bind. It should be impossible for them to get damage on you outside CC.

This goes for every melee that can’t remove the root. Binding Shot is EIGHT seconds in PVP and it doesn’t break on damage. If you’re kiting correctly, the trap is back by the time you go through the bind, stun, trap.

Warrior, Mage, and Ret are the easiest matchups for me as BM because Warrior and Ret cannot hit you. Then most Mages are fire so Roar of Sacrifice shuts down their burst and BM shreds cloth.

The hardest matchup for me is Feral as they can powershift everything which makes your binding shot lose SO much value.

Wow… you are clueless. Not having a trinket and eating a full stun will probably your death lol. Most people will save there burst for this moment!

Which is extremely predictable. Which is why I said spells can negate it. Cloak, reflects, bladestorm, and many other spells that allow invulnerability to cc frames. If you have nothing to 100% secure a trap all you can do is toss it at your feet and hope for the best.

Concussive shot wow, good thing many other classes have slows too. The only way you can open a gap is by landing a trap, cheetah with no slows up, or disengage. Which like I said many classes in the year of 2020 have multiple gap closers. WW monks, dhs, rogues, warriors, ect ect…

Burst? Why does burst matter when it’s easy to shut down or line? WOW you used your burst! Let me cc and proc your dapt and kill you the next stun.

In the Bm match up the bm will either line it your whole burst, and rot you down with their pets. They can also feign any big classes if they can’t line. Hell they can even turtle it since after burst they do legit nothing.

You can Meld, Feign, Stun, and Trap MM to interrupt their aimed shot.

Then you can turtle it, then you can Roar it, then if needed you could pet wall it.

There is no way in actual hell that MM beats BM

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I wish it was the case that MM was better but it simply isn’t. I’d be down to do a BM vs MM duel if you are.

Bring it on.

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I’m not even sure MM hunter could bring a BM below 80% tbh lol


Honestly as a survival main BM hunters are for some reason easy to pick off in warmode. Pve you guys dominate, but dont get me wrong I have lost against BM hunters as well in WM but it’s they health margins are still almost close to death. Now I have seen BM hunters dominate against some other classes and struggle against others as well I.e. havoc DH, MW monks ect

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What’s your btag? I’ll add ya :smiley:
