Is Blood DK a forgotten spec for Blizzard?

Just that. Feels like 0 changes has been done to blood dks being one of the lowest tanks out there and seems like no changes will be done for 11.1

Blizzard hello?


quite frankly its to early to be dooming. the problem is though that blood dk is great until you start pushing past 12s. so probably from their point of view blood dk is doing fine.

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DK in general to be honest. After seeing the class changes for warrior (the general tree is so much better) hunter and more… I am jelly af.

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I look at it this way: We Blood DKs are in a strange place to start with. We’re pretty DPS focused for a tank that really has no ceiling beyond surviving initial pulls and very high mythic keys. A competent Blood DK can solo content other classes/specs only dream about, and without a terribly longer time investment for the effort. More importantly, the mechanics of it actually play out solid, and are very much in line with what Blizzard wants all classes to be: limited on button bloat, clear goals and intent with the abilities, and effective at their role.

Now take that, and try to do anything with it without breaking it. Before you do that though, look at the class armor sets for Blood DK, and see if there is really intended design that reacts to the classes’ needs or intricacies (11.0.0 Armor set was actually good, but 11.1.0 PTR proposed looks like ripe garbage on paper) and ask yourself if we WANT them to address us right now.

I’m going with no, I wouldn’t want that. Currently Blizzard is exploring these sets on a per role played basis. Remember how I opened this with how Blood DKs are kinda in a weird place to start with? This per role played basis actually hurts us, because we don’t conform well to the stereotypical tank systems to start with. Given they would attempt to go this route in the first place begs questions, and definitely instills doubt in me as to whether I want them to touch anything with Blood DKs in this moment.

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I feel like blizzard forgot to give bdk a health buff. Should a bdk have significantly more health than me as a prot warrior? That’s how it used to be or am I misremembering?

More like they should revert the changes they made to us pre release. They took away a big component of our gameplay, with the promise that tankbusters wouldnt be 1shots. And that has turned out not to be the case.

They really need to give bdk back the 100% bloodshield hp, and vb affecting bloodshield as well…

you know that change didnt really effect good bdks at all right?

The deathstrike change didnt. What i wrote, did affect us

except it didnt for good bdks

My bdk isn’t fully geared yet but even bdk’s stacking mastery aren’t hitting bloodshield cap. VB not impacting bloodshield does suck though. I definitely noticed my bloodshield are much smaller.

Imo, I’d love for bloodshield to be a partial absorb to smooth out the damage intake a little for blood.

Stacking mastery does nothing for bloodshield though. The higher your dtps(damage taken per sec) is, the easier it is to cap bloodshield. Even in 10s, you cap bloodshield quite often, and if youre tracking the shield value youll see that. It only reduces the value of mastery the higher you go in key level. A misconception presented by streamers that dont know how stuff actually works. High mythic+ is a skill issue, but it is mostly also a time issue. If everyone had 16+hours a day to push m+, im sure a lot of people would be pushing higher too. Not that i dont think streamers arent good but theres a error in some statements they make, and people shouldnt just follow them blindly. Especially if they are more skilled than the average viewer.

For example, UE looks good on meters because its just applying a shield when you dont need it, and doesnt get chipped away if playing correctly. The way shields work in wow, is the last one applied, gets used up first. So if youre actually hitting deathsrike, youre applying bloodshield on top of the UE shield, so UE shield never gets used and just looks big.

Now, take your idea about bloodshield but apply it to UE, and itll be pretty good finally.

What are you using to track your blood shields cause my tracker doesn’t show me anywhere near the 50% max HP cap?

You can grab Publiks weakaura on wago. The one i use is custom made, only grabbing the shield value and rune display from his.

I can’t find a spec for DK that I find fun. I was unholy, but that seems to just get me killed quicker now.

Actually, they made big changes. They decreased Deathstrike dmg by 35% in pvp lol…

Welp, as said, blood dk forgotten spec for blizzard. It’s still too early to be dooming? lol