Is Blizzard Slowplaying Evoker's 3rd Spec?

Had a theory.

We know the two specs Evoker is being released with play on Blue/Red (Damage) and Green/Bronze (Healing) powers.

This obviously leaves the Black Dragonflight out of the equation in every way. Neltharion (AKA: Deathwing), the Earthwarder - let’s just say if Evokers were going to have a tank or at least a melee DPS spec, it would involve the powers of this flight as it just screams in your face durability.

I’m wondering if they’re planning to include a 3rd spec as a literal story point. We know the Black Dragonflight has more or less been wiped off the face of Azeroth - for awhile, Wraithon was about the only member. Yet, he’s hatched more eggs and - indeed - it’s been suggested Wraithon will be returning this expac to play a very large role.

I wonder if part of the story will be him reintroducing the Black Dragonflight to the Dragon Isles, and helping Evokers learn to utilize the Power of the Black Dragonflight to embody new power and disciplines, like the ability to get into someone’s face. And after Evokers complete a multi-patch story around this, they’ll gain the 3rd spec option based around Black Dragonflight power.

I will say, hats off the Blizzard if this is the plan. But it’s just a theory. A WoW theory.

Don’t Evokers have multiple earth-moving related abilities that are clearly from the Black?

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DH’s set the precedent back in Legion. I doubt you will see 3 spec class again.


I don’t recall, I just know they’ve always leaned on each of the specs representing 2 distinct dragon aspects - none of them being black. Also, Red has nature/growth style effects, so it could easily be attributed to that instead.

DH having only 2 specs came with an explanation the player base accepted: the DH fantasy was pretty distinctive and was faithfully captured with 2 specs.

Evokers, based on the story/lore/design, actually leaves a glaring hole. It’s always possible it was done as 2 specs because Blizzard is lazy and doesn’t want a new class having 3 specs because 2 is easier to do than 3, but the omission of the Black Dragonflight is pretty blatent - I would think if the plan was to do 2 specs, Black would be represented in no ambiguous way.

idk let’s ask the DHs what they think about that :wink:

2 or 3 from what I remember one of which screams tank Defensive.

I went and looked it up, and yeah Black explicitly has several abilities already represented for Evokers.


While I like many others would hope for this, I honestly don’t see blizzard out right lying about it when they know it’s been a hot issue since the announcement.

Ah poo. Oh well, yeah, that puts a dampener on things. I only remember the trailers and the gameplay demonstrations, where they were saying the primary colors each spec utilized.

They are all in the Class tree at least but like I said I doubt they would not have just out right said something at this point.

It doesn’t. On the alpha / beta, since the beginning, Evokers are also using black dragon magic. Spells are labeled as such. The black dragonflight is incorporated through earth spells, and is not limited to the tank fantasy. Those who wish for some form of black dragon fantasy are already getting it through spell work.

Yeah, I mean red/blue and green/bronze are definitely the focus for the two different specs.

If they were going to do a third spec focused on black dragon abilities, I don’t think it would be a tank though. They’ve been pretty explicit about not wanting Evokers to step away from the caster fantasy.

when dragons were announced i was 100% sure theyd have a tank spec.
i was wrong apparently.

redprince was a tank in my favorite dos2 playthrough heh

One of their main, flashy spells is a huge earth shatter thing.

Eh, this is a distinction without a difference.

In the same way you argue to lean into the black dragonflight for Evokers, they could have had DHs that went heavy into demon vs. not (think dark side vs. light side).

Player base absolutely complained about DHs, but what can we do? Just like how evoker’s will have 2 specs regardless of what we believe, because Blizzard said so.

I mean they don’t have to step away from it they just need to realize that there are casters in fantasy that are in close range. Casting doesn’t have to be at the back hiding from blows. It can mean being up in the face combing magic with melee using the earth magic to shield, wrapping your weapons in the elements, encasing your foes in earth to slow down their attacks.

Well, the game designers disagree:

Yeah, dude, a third spec, along with a confirmed pre-order allied race.

Sure and if that’s where they want it I can’t stop them. But I’m saying that it’s only that way because of that, they don’t have the mind space to envision it. Even if it’s on another chassis years from now sticking to this squishy caster only thinking is limiting in ways that it doesn’t have to be.

And as I have said many times before there was a much easier solution that they chose to pass on.

Based on how some talent trees are going I hope they aren’t also secretly working on another spec for evokers