Is blizzard not paying attention to customers

these sub 60 bgs are ridiculous - hunters are killing 40 pluss players with no deaths

they have the graveyards set to be farmed for the full period of the bg



hate to break it to you but hunters r doing that at 60 also.

and nah blizz dont care much mane


Though I would suggest cleaning up the communication skills, I don’t think it will matter with Blizzard at this point.

It’s a large profit only type company that could care less about anyone particular individual.

if people get thsi upset with party synced 60s that get below average ilvl for the bracket imagine a twink lol.

they do that at 60 too sometimes

Blizz is so apathetic, clueless or both that they recently buffed this spec by 4% in pvp…this is me pressing 3 buttons. MM can do it with 2 buttons from 50+ yards.

Really makes you wonder if some high ranking employee plays a lvl 60 hunter or has a hunter twink…

Dont have to imagine, qued with a friend to help them lvl and was just dominated by twinks. I had like 9k health and they had 16-19k health. It was over before it started. I ended up just helping by queing with her with low lvl dungeons

They made over 8 billion dollars last year. Lol

I think with the all caps / word structure included there one can safely assume it’s probably not sustainable / reliable facts :slight_smile:

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Likely not. I just think some people don’t have a realistic understanding of the game’s population. PVP just isn’t wildly popular. M+ and raiding pays the bills.

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level 50 is special. if you were any kind of friend you would be helping them gear up not level.
the next bracket (51-59) isn’t any easier for them under geared but you’ll get a better template.

stop complaining.

She hates leveling via questing, doing pvp is her favorite. Plus she isn’t interested in blizzards story line, she just wants to get max lvl so she can start working on gearing the toon with conquest gear. So moot point trying to gear her when it will be replaced by conquest/honor gear pretty quick.

players who “don’t think its worth it” are the reason level 50 bfa capped twinks have a bracket. the game wants players to be ilvl 100(at least) at level 50.

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Not denying that, but isn’t the point of the game to have fun? So if her fun comes from pvp and not from questing or the lore, then what is the harm. We grinded out the last few lvls and now she is lvl 60 working on conquest. She pays her subscription just like everyone else, how she has fun in the game, isn’t really an issue.

of course. have fun make friends but that doesn’t change the fact when shadowlands came out the game wanted everyone to be ilvl 115 at level 50.
understand from level 50 and up you’ll be facing 120ilvl players either at 50 or syncd players with a template in 51-59.

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I just decided to make a hunter for doing battlegrounds, worked like a charm

grind to the 51-59 bracket. Yes Hunters are still at the top but they are not as OP

They only pay attention to a certain group of customers.
See the CC for examples.

Pro tip for maximum hunter scumminess - play survival. All the normies think that MM is the most OP. It’s not, it just has the biggest numbers. As survival you can kill people inside the 3 second root from harpoon. Take the talent that resets harpoon on a killing blow. Literally everyone gets annihilated.

Still waiting for the DF hunter talents, wondering what kind of buffs they’ll be getting.