Is Blizzard intentionally torturing me?

I’m in love with regular looking weaponry. Standard maces and war-maces in general are just not represented well in World of Warcraft. We have plenty of excellent examples of high-fantasy weaponry, but it’s hard to come by the normal stuff.

This is one of the best examples of a nice normal weapon I have seen in this game. However, it appears to me marked “NPE”, which I assume means “Not player equipable”, please Blizzard… I plead with you. Allow us to equip this majestic iron beauty.

Hammerator - Likes hammers


No they don’t care that much about u.

/checks notes for name Hammerator and section torture

Nope. Not seeing the name in the database.

But, like you I keep looking for cool 2 handed weapons. Venthyr has a nice one


The Venthyr Zweihander is the ultimate example of high-fantasy badassery, and the best we have so far this expansion. I can’t wait to get my hands on one!

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Yes, it takes me back to the Diablo 1 bastard sword

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NPE typically means new player experience, so tutorial?

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It looks like a plunger.

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I feel ya, Hammerator. My Hunter is still waiting for a bow that would actually work without magic.

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From what I can find, this item was released as part of the new models for the new player experience, but have not been found in those zones or on the vendors with the items.

Yeah, depends on the mog I’m using. if It’s a minimal, average mage/warrior type outfit I tend to go for more realistic, simple weaponry. but usually high fantasy themed gear demands a fancy weapon.

What are you eating that causes you to unclog your toilet with a sledge ?

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Has Blizzard provided a response for the missing new player experience weapons? I would be curious to know if they were simply not implemented due to time, or another reason… of if they intend of providing access to these models at a later date.

I know I have no right to request this information, but I would hate for such beautiful weapon models to just fall into the cracks.

I know this is an old post but I feel it deserves a bump because like the OP I too find the lack of normal looking weapons (especially when it comes to hammers) to be dreadfully lacking and the weapon he mentions is exactly what I’ve always wanted to have for my Paladin. In the Jaina cinematics in BFA we get a shot of an updated Arthas Menethil model holding a simple war hammer and that’s all I want.

I just got this joke.

For real, I want the NPE exile’s reach sword so bad, there’s only a recolor in game and it’s alliance locked…