Is Blizzard ever going to address the bad implementation of the Community Council?

Just a follow up but pretty happy a couple CC members felt fine participating in this thread. I know it might feel confrontational at times but discussions like this are great imo.

For me, it’s mostly a matter of time participating in the GD. But if you tag our threads or mention us, we (I) usually show up (at least reading what you guys have to say). But I agree that these discussions are healthy. We’re the same as you guys, we just want to help make the best game we can.

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I remember this. Ythisens was incredibly nice and gave you that “good ole Blizzard” vibe that made you feel welcomed to nerd out. (Not to be confused with the bad side of Blizzard – Ythisens, like most of the employees, made you feel good about supporting their work.)

I had been talking with Bornakk a lot since the MVP event. The MVP program’s CM had just left Blizzard and the future of the program was at risk. I remember chatting 1-on-1 with Bornakk and advocated for something similar to the Community Council. The last round of MVPs was quite diverse in their focus, but much like the PTR, sometimes you just need more opinions for discussions to take place.

To that effect, I think the CC is a better program than the MVP program (TS MVPs are still the best, but the non-TS MVPs weren’t going to actually influence anything meaningful). The CC having more diversity is genuinely good for discussion.

Blizzard reads forum posts quite a lot. Moderation aside, it was important for them to establish a “safe space” where discussions were far less likely to be derailed. You don’t get a lot of developer interactions due to the red tape involved, but also the derailment issue is REALLY bad. The CC is nearly perfect for what they’d want out of it.

Derailed threads → It happens every Alpha/Beta cycle. In this example, a Shadow Priest thread has some great discussions regarding some very nuanced details. A developer makes a post with some questions and answers about Shadow Priest development. Then the floodgates open up and you have random users asking things like “When are you updating Death Knight?” and “When it the next invite wave?” and it completely breaks the discussion that Shadow Priest community curated. :: So, developers might instead opt to lurk and not post anything specifically because the discussion is good – and replying to that thread isn’t worth the trouble. You know every post is a meaningful post, rather than spending triple the time to ignore the off-topic posts.


Like Safeguard says, it’s a “If you tag it, we will come” scenario. There’s been numerous threads of mine that have been linked and I’m always happy to delve into it to explain my approach or my idea.

There are several issues from the GD that I have personally championed due to player suggestion. Safeguard posted one. The one before it about the sharding issue was also requested by players in the GD, I even made a GD mirror linked to it so people can express their frustrations with the system.

I’d also like to point out that some of our members are EU and are pulling suggestions from their own GD forums. So it may seem it’s their own suggestion when it’s not necessarily the case.

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This is also true of the CC, which is about as far from a random sample as you can get. Self selected and vetted.

Like Zoums said, I appreciate you guys following up to be honest I’m quite honored. Glad to hear some of you guys are out here championing some causes. I’ve seen a few posts (this one is pretty recent and hits close to home) where people are feeling less than heard. Pre-made Epic Battle Grounds Need to Stop + Buffs and Revamps (Community Council Requested)

Is there some way to tag the CC in a forum so if I see this kind of thing in the future it can be brought to your attention? I understand you guys probably don’t work in shifts and things are going to fall through the cracks, likewise you need to choose your battles. and not everything is going to make the cut. It might however be a good idea to look for volunteers to scour for PvP related posts once in a while since PvP has more holes in it than Gary Bucey’s brain, and Blizz seems to treat it like the dog from the iconic film “The Fly”.

The best way is to link our CC born threads to a thread made in the GD or elsewhere in the forums. We’ll get alerted when our threads are linked elsewhere and it lets us know we’re being discussed! :dracthyr_love_animated: We can also see where our threads are linked when we decided to follow up or respond to our fellow CC members on our threads themselves.

Edit: You’ll also have to remember that our EU counterparts were forced to create a throw away NA account and since EU is their home turf they likely will not be alerted unless they poke their heads on the NA side so you might get a delay response form them. You can tell who our EU folks are simply by the lvl 10-20 alts they post on. :dracthyr_yay_animated:

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Had the potential to really bring to light the issues of the different aspects of the game…

The reality was, people just want to be in an exclusive club, and 90% of the posts made were either pandering to the devs, or just were just flat out irrelevant.

I had applied before because we really needed a strong voice when it came not non-high end raid, and M+ content and rewards. But looking at what gets posted in there, I guess I am glad I am not a part of it.

Yea, game changing stuff right there… I wish that was a major issue.

Look at the detail and work you do out of love for a game. Would be crazy if they hired you, or people like you! :open_mouth:

It would be better if they did away with it and just returned to monthly or Quarterly Q&A’s we could ALL participate in.

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Nothing saying that all feedback given has to been “game changing” (even though technically most of it will be). Others can still care for something, even if you don’t.

And it doesn’t even have to be an issue, it can just be something that one wants more of.

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They just fix any Q&A.

Yea problem is most of the posts by you guys are that type of irrelevant nature.
Sort of like someone that has a house burning down, and the firefighters are standing around discussing the color of pain used in the bathroom.

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When it comes to WoW and tossing out suggestions, it is a lot like grabbing a bowl of wet spaghetti noodles and tossing them at a wall and see what sticks.

Maybe the developers shouldn’t leave entire classes/specs out in the cold for multiple expansions, then?

Classes get ignored for years, and then it’s “uppity” of them to complain in the YET ANOTHER COMPLETE SHADOW PRIEST REVAMP thread?

Just as an example.

They overhaul Shadow Priests every six months, it feels like. Enough.

There was that 2000+ post thread in the Battle for Azeroth beta, from the Guardian Druids.

COMPLETELY IGNORED for the entire beta test, by the developers.

You’re damn right the bears would complain.

And that’s just one example.


I’d say it’s a pretty wide net but leaning more towards casual things than endgame. But to be honest, I think Blizzard has enough feedback as it is on those topics. The only thing I personally feel is missing is some more PvP oriented players on the council. I only casually dabble with BGs (and none-ranked that is) because I don’t enjoy arenas, but I don’t feel qualified creating threads for that.


To reiterate and touch up on what Safeguard has said, A lot of us were chosen for the various fields we enjoy and felt like we could help make those fields better with suggestions that we collect from our own ideas as well as those of the players. It is quite disheartening to see that PvPers feel left out when I’m fairly certain a few of those on the CC currently have that as a main focus.

Yet as we mentioned before, we barely see a majority of the people who were elected discussing things whether in the discord or here on the forums. I see maybe 10-15 of the same names posting all the time so it could be that those who were elected in that aspect are not speaking up with their ideas or engaging the rest of us over their suggestions. I’m hoping with the next batch we pick up in diversity again because I understand its not fun to read a majority of posts pertaining to one or two game aspects when there are several aspects that can all be discussed with equal amount of interest.


i still think cc should just be done with. mainly bc blizzard doesnt care about anything we ever say anyways so whats difference does it make. again, most cc only come when a thread to this title to say something in defense. even one got baited and fought with another forum troll last yr so meh lol. a relic of time thats no longer needed.

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Point out where we’re defending blizzards actions and lack of responses? A lot of us are actually agreeing the CC has been poorly implemented and mantained.

Think you’re talking about me with some guy crying over rainbow assets being datamined. I was in fact not baited but actually thought the scenario was quite hilarious after I realized he was being serious. Dude even made an alt on my server and messaged my guild lead to warn them about “a transgender being in your guild.” We all had quite the laugh over that in our guild discord.

CC aint that old. :dracthyr_lulmao: