Is berserker stance something you keep on at all times?

Fairly new, made a fury warrior. It has the berserker stance which only shows upsides (increasing auto attack damage by 15% while reducing duration of fear, sap, and incapable by 10%) . Why is it able to be toggled then? What’s the point?

Sometimes you want to pop into Defensive to reduce incoming damage.

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Stance swapping is mostly a tool for PVP or soloing some harder open world combat.

Defensive Stance seems much better in PVE than PVP.

I play arms on my warrior so I have Battle Stance but it’s essentially the same rule of thumb. When in a group of any kind yes you should have it on. When doing solo content that’s probably when you want defensive stance.

This is pretty much my rule of thumb on my warrior

It certainly is, it’s effectiveness is also reduced in PVP. Doesn’t mean it still isn’t helpful. Fury has a lot of self sustain and healing, so sometimes talking a little less damage through some heavy burst can change the tide of battle.

It looks like defensive is exclusive to arms and protector only. That’s what I don’t get what the benefit is to leaving berserker stance off on fury

It isn’t.

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No it isn’t it should be under your Warrior tab in your spell book if it was exclusive to those two specs it would not show up under the warrior tab

The warrior Tab in your spell book houses abilities that are available to all specs

I’m not seeing it on fury. When I spec to arms or protector, defensive shows up along with battle stance in spellbook

Have you put a talent point into it?

I just noticed I didn’t lol, you right. I guess if I’m not using defensive, then it looks like it’s better to have berserker on at all times. I don’t see any downsides to it