Is bear tank good now?

Looking to make a tank for mythic plus and raiding and I love the druid theme. Am i gonne be forced to be a DH?

It all depends how high you want to push and what your group situation is. If you’re looking to get into high keys with PUGs, it’s likely going to be DH or bust. If you’re looking to get into mid-level keys with a consistent group, druid is fine.

For THIS season, bear is in the upper half, but nobody compares to VDH right now. Overall, Bear is fine for both raiding and M+. Bear’s main issue is that they don’t bring much that other specs don’t bring better, even in their own class.

They bring very high single target dps, survivability to raids and mythic+ (more so then others) however you just have no utility compared to dh, which is more a problem that every tank bar dh has atm.

Not to sound too snarky but a good bear can be a great bear. It is not easy to be a great bear, you have to know these dungeons like the back of your hand and anticipate the incoming. Everyone that you’ll play with will know and anticipate, so don’t let them down. The best thing to do is always start when its new along with everyone else.

This is true. Druid as a whole is a bit light on the utility, but bear is the worst offender. We are either just massively too strong at a base level to ignore (S2) or we fall back if someone rivals us (VDH puts us to shame right now)

Objectively wrong. Nor sure why youre still trying to spread this misinformation. S3 was our strongest set.

If youre referring to season 2 as a whole it was because of Aug Evoker + Hpal combo + dungeon pool. Otherwise we should be meta again. Which will not happen.

Mid range interrupt
Group speed buff
AoE interrupt/stop
Group heals
Strong ST heal (group and solo)
Group buff
Vaccuum (vortex)
Poison/curse dispels

Light on utility would be Prot Warrior


Play bear and get the Mage Tower form. Just lie and say you’re a DH… Bears lie all the time.

Druid has great utility in M+, as long as you don’t have another druid :stuck_out_tongue:

Getting the S2 tier set back was a pretty big buff.

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Bear’s in a pretty good place rn. Also women just collectively decided they want to hang out with us in the forest so we got that going for us too.


Just don’t shapeshift out, they’ll be terrified.