Is bald "good"?

what percentile of players in arena have receding hairlines?


imagine not being bald

What’s an average hairline for 1500 solo shuffle rounds queued last week?

/shrug ezpz gg’s ig :cold_face::cold_face::cold_face:

i cannot imagine being fungamesttv

Id say 70%. Theres that one mage that used to post here that acted like the best mage in the world until you saw his irl face. Biggest norwood in WoW

I find this inflammatory and upsetting

jarvis find out who asked



/10 char


I dunno, I’d say probably 50%?
Game is old and mostly dudes.

I think baldness being a universally ‘bad’ trait is only prevalent in certain communities, generally suburban, white, <25 y/o. Elsewhere it is a mixed bag and often very good.

Some guidelines for moving to the city as a bald man:

-Bald and well dressed = good
-Bald without a car = bad
-Bald vegan = super good
-Bald with buff bod = the worst
-Bald with big dog = really good
-Bald with toy size dog = bad
-Bald and speaks at least two languages = good
-Bald thief = surprisingly good
-Bald corporate = bad

The percentage of arena players with receding hairlines: I’d put the over/under at 70%.

Not sure about the general population, but it’s proven that the balder you are, the better you are at warrior.

Baldjeera is a perfect example.

Then you have Mud. Prematurely balding in Shadowlands. Got a hair transplant and he’s washed. GG

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