Hey all, I have been trying the last month or so to find Athainne in Drustvar to complete the Emerald Dream hunter pets, I have the bear heart, but she is never in the 2 places she’s supposed to be in (Ulfar the thornspeaker and Athair) depending on the time of day. Anyone else have any trouble and any suggestions to find her?
Thanks a bunch!
Derawolf BM hunter
Jeez it’s been 3 weeks and nobody could be bothered to answer this? Just in case anyone searches for an answer later…
She’s not really bugged, she’s just not always up. She spawns in the 2 spots you mentioned, but I had to wait around an hour or two the first time. I have since tried to stop by just to see if she was around since I got more bones to get different colors, and she was not up any of those times. You should try to get 1 of each when you go to her so you can potentially avoid multiple trips unless you want different colors. But on the Drust, the colors aren’t varied enough to get me to wait around.
Athainne the doe is in the cave with Ulfar. She is behind the rock. The stag, the one with antlers is not the same NPC. After speaking to her, I spoke to Ulfar and received the ritual knife.