Is Arthas gone?

The elves are thousands of years…you know what nvm.

And they spent ten thousand of them accomplishing nothing.


Lol! You know what; I can’t deal with you right now ahahahahaha

I’m already on the hit/hate list.

Edit: :joy: :rofl: :joy: :rofl: :joy:

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Arthas is a glorified serial killer, nothing more.

Hey betray is sick a strong word, we’re DKs who where apart of the scourge. Should’ve been unaffected by the revelation we where sent to die at lights hope.

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I always thought that part was highly weird. It’s not like the player DK opted into serving to begin with.

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I’m starting to like you

I mean.

Arthas’ story is over. I hope that if he does appear, it’s as a withered remnant barely aware of his surroundings. And that there’s not much left for Calia, Jaina and Uther to come to terms with.

In Edge of night he is referred as the boy that would be LIch king and after he was thrown in the maw the most probable outcome is that he serves the Jailer. I believe he is the boy king of prophesies but that remains to be seen.

But at least he’s our glorified serial killer :grinning_face_with_smiling_eyes:

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Okay, but do you guys not see it.

Arthas will get his Redemption through Death, possibly during the last fight of the last raid, he’s going to get a cool cinematic with Uther as a final “hell yeah” that will make Asmongold shed a tear on stream.

Come on, there’s no way he’s not getting some kind of final “goodbye” as a good guy, he’s every fanboy’s favourite character.

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doubt they even know themselves. indie companies take a long time to … figure out what a brain can help them with


He is the Jailers trump card.

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I’m now thinking of everything lol.

I want us to rescue Arthas from Torghast and bring him to Oribos. I want him there to be all remorseful and apologetic and his sister will eat it up. Bonus points with everyone who has been locked up in Torghast to mention how much it can break you.

Then we do a bunch of things and somehow Arthas manages to get himself a mourneblade which he is way too good at using.

Finally at the end of Shadowlands after the Jailer is beaten Arthas is nowhere to be seen but a bunch of Maw empowered weapons and armor are missing, and back on Azeroth the recrowned Lich King returns to Icecrown to rebuild his kingdom.

Arthas gets no redemption because he doesn’t want a redemption. He wants to do bad things.

Arthas comes back from the dead, an evil Lich King is now in the wings to use later.

The dream lol


The Arthas that killed the child is Arthas’s Body not his Soul!

According to the Arthas Novel the Child is the part of Arthas’s Soul that wasn’t claimed by Frostmourne until Arthas’s Body stabbed him in his Mind!

The Child wanted redemption! The Body which had become Sentient due to the Child’s weakness did not!

The Body is gone and it’s Sentient Sociopathic mind is most certainly gone with it!

The Evil Lich King you want back only exists as a Sentient Self-Aware Memory tied to the Blades of the Fallen Prince! He’s not attached to Arthas’s Soul!

And you’ll be surprised to known that I really don’t care.

I don’t want Arthas to be a good guy, standing with us heroes and talking about justice, the Light and all those things.

I want Arthas to be a bad guy, whom we let loose on the world to continue to do bad things. I want him to be a Garrosh: so utterly unrepentant once the cards are back in his hands lol.

I don’t want hero Arthas to play second fiddle to our characters. I want King Arthas to be our adversary lol

Both Chronicle and Arthas makes it clear that Arthas’s Soul has a sense of Morality that Arthas’s Soulless Body lacks! Blizzard wants a remorseful Arthas not a Sociopathic one!

Your demands cannot be met the way you want them!

The only way you can get your adversary back is by reforging Frostmourne along with the Helm of Domination and binding the Memory of Arthas to Arthas’s corpse!

As far as Blizzard is concerned Arthas’s Soul is unusable as the Evil Lich King!

Only the Memory of Arthas bound to the Blades of the Fallen Prince is usable as Evil Arthas and can only act in the WC3 Undead Campaign manner when the Jailer(whose presence forced Arthas’s Soulless Body to hold back the Undead out of fear of possession if he drew too much on the Helm’s power) is dead!

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Evil Arthas is only as unusable as blizz wants lol

If blizzard just decides that the Arthas that got thrown in the Maw is just as much of a prick then there we go lol evil Arthas ready to do bad things lol

I really don’t care how its explained lol I just want Evil Arthas lol

I’m more of a fan of an Arthas redemption but this is neat lol