I’m currently up to 197 in Blacksmithing and I know that at 200 you can choose to be an Armoursmith or a Weaponsmith, if you choose Weaponsmith you can further choose between Axe, Mace, or Sword. I’m thinking either Armoursmith or Axe Weaponsmith. Is it worth taking the Axe Weaponsmith route for Arcanite Reaper? I’ve heard that it’s very good for PVP because of it’s slow attack speed+Mortal Strike?
It’s a very good weapon, but overpriced given that you can get something not too far off from dungeons(as are most BS weapons.)
Even if you farm the arcane crystals, which you would likely have enough of by the time you get the 720 thorium required to max out BS with weaponsmithing, it’s still 40 days of transmutes. Even if you pay multiple alchemists, going rate of anywhere between 10-15G is gonna set you back a lot.
Really, the only reason to craft is for an alt much later if you happen to have gold/arcanite to spare, or for waltzing around and looking cool.
At the same time you need to actually get the weapons to drop. My guild has been running 2 groups since week 3, we’ve seen 1 Bonereaver, a couple Obsidian Blades and 1 Eye of Rag.
Selling these weapons at this point will 1, piss off your raiders and 2 is going to be a gamble as they really aren’t common.
@OP, it really depends how you play the game, if all you want to do is casual PvP, it could be a fun goal to work towards overtime.
If you plan to do any PvE at all, most likely not worth it.
Tell your leader you’re planning on 2h Fury. OEB 2h Fury pulls more DPS than 1h Fury with Dal’rends anyway, people are just chasing the meta insanely hard and won’t even contest that. The +8 Swords on OEB lets you drop so much hit, even if you’re not playing Human.
We asked Warriors to settle for a playstyle beforehand. We got a 2H Fury with Bonereaver’s already in the main group, everyone else wanted to go 1h. Same with Rogues to make sure Perdition Blades go to people who will raid with it.
But it doesn’t mean people who raid as DW Fury won’t want to PvP.
Worth is subjective, but from an economics and value standpoint, I would say absolutely not. Arcane Crystals alone even before transmute cost, go for ~45g a pop on my server.
That means you’re likely spending a minimum of 1,000g all told to make this weapon, that gets replaced by any weapon drop out of MC.
The reason Arcanite Reaper was such a powerhouse back in the day was because the 3.8 weapon speed was more or less unmatched by anything outside of Slave Driver’s Cane, which being a staff, made it sub-par for an Arms PvP build (although still exceptional for 2h-Fury). With Classic being based on the v1.12 patch, ability modifiers are no longer scaling with weapon damage, and are locked at 3.4 for all 2handers anyway, making this a moot point.
Instead of blowing 20 arcane crystals on an item that gets replaced very quickly relative to the lifecycle of the game, here are some wayyyy better options for arcane crystal investment:
Lionheart Helm: Never gets replaced for PvE through all 6 phases if you’re a DPS Warrior
Stronghold Gauntlets: Never gets replaced as PvP gloves throughout the life of Classic.
Titanic Leggings: Is not currently available, but when it is, it stays relevant until Phase 6, and even then, unless you’re a Naxx level raider (which is out of reach for many more casual players), you won’t be able to find a better replacement for DPS.
Not necessarily. It’s largely what you think you have access to. I’m saying in terms of personal use, you should absolutely invest your funds and materials into those armor pieces that don’t get replaced, over a large investment in something that gets phased out almost immediately.
From a gold making perspective too, there will be a lot more prospective buyers for those armor pieces then there will be weapons, due to the craftable weapons being highly specialized, and the armor pieces being used by every single DPS warrior (and many tanks who are prioritizing threat over mitigation) out there.
That said, this all comes down to what you have available to you. The big ticket items in both armor and weapons smithing are from exceedingly rare and/or expensive recipes. If your guild can help you get them, then by all means. If your guild for example gets a Nightfall recipe in Phase 3 though, it may behoove you to go Axe-smithing to get one of those out for your guild. Without those recipes, your specialization is largely irrelevant.
Back then though, arcane crystals were literally 1/5 of the price they are in classic on my old server. And the ore nodes weren’t instantly mined out in the world because it wasn’t packed like a sardine can.
The huge populations are making crafting things that are not “BIS” horribly uneconomical.
It is the best 2h axe pre raid. In vanilla it was widely used due to how slow people were at starting/progressing/farming MC. In classic however, it is probably not worth it since raiding is a lot easier now due to everyone being quite experienced as it has been 15 years. I was tempted to make one for an alt, but probably wont happen.