Is anyone using pack leader for BM?

I kinda like it but am aware dark ranger is better. Does anyone hope the hero talent spec gets looked at and possibly buffed?

I use Packleader for solo content/Delves, everything dies too quickly for Black Arrow to proc. The bonus heal passive to Mend Pet is convenient for higher delve levels and Pack Leader has more self healing than Dark Ranger.

If they were going to rework the tree the most likely would have done it while updating Dark Ranger in my opinion but that doesn’t exclude it from tuning

I use pack leader, the single target damage is not that much higher with dark ranger and pack leader has a bit more aoe even if aoe is trash for now. Dark ranger is a bit better for ST if you do high content

I use only because i find it fun, the damage of BM hunter in general is terrible both in pve and pvp so it doesnt make any diference…

I think its utterly moronic that pack leader forces you to play Call of the wild, i despise this talent, but even dark ranger require you to use it or you have a dead talent in the hero tree, but tis even worse for pack leader

That together with the fact that we have zero visual stuff or cool elements to it

It seems like blizz just doesn’t want me to play BM this expansion

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Actually used it in 2s last night. Rank one hunter was using PL and it performed pretty well.

Went 14-4

Dark ranger does as well.

I was actually stoked there was a one minute build in prepatch but sadly it’s not as good as call is now.

Yeah i literally said it:

I just don’t like it, feels bad to press it. i like to run the other side of the tree but i can’t unless i stay with dead talents.

This is a problem with other classes too that i doubt will be fixed this expansion.

You can play 1m build if you’d rather like as the difference is fairly small.

I use it, but I also am most likely not going to do mythic content of any kind. I’m retired from all that mess. I know the other spec is the preferred build, but I’m playing how I want.

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To be fair, thematically it makes sense Pack Leader would require the cooldown that summons a pack of dire beast

You don’t even lead then, pack leader should buff your current pets, not require some randoms.

Pack leader should be a proper Rexxar wannabe, summoning a third pet that show at ranged, like his quilboar and strengthening your active pets, making then bigger and stronger.

That would help to fix the lack of visuals in the hero spec

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Turns into an argument of semantics, In my opinion pack leader just implies summoning a horde of pets and broadly controlling what they attack like an alpha wolf etc. But the hero tree already focuses solely on your main pet, although very boring and no visuals, with one lackluster talent even summoning a bonus pet

We sort of have the 3rd pet buffing the others through Fenryr/Hati, a more unique model would be cool though instead of wolves we’ve already had before

Tbh here, a pack leader is the one who lead his own pack, he doesn’t keep summoning a zoo out of nowhere, ones who have no connection with yourself.

A wolf that is a pack leader don’t summon tigers, alligators and foxes to defend his pack or to hunt.

Thats why i despise the mechanic of zoo hunter, i just can’t get myself into it, summoning random animals from your behind. I like the beastmaster movie vibes and Rexxar, where you have your named pets and you have a connection with then, maybe its silly, but is how i see Beastmaster and how i liked the see the pack leader, focusing on your pets instead of the Zoo

In my view pack leader should just buff the pet and add a third one ranged, on top of fenryr and Hati, who are fine because they are named pets and Hati was important to BM back in Legion.

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I can definitely see people not enjoying a menagerie of pets, a ranged pet would be an interesting concept for sure. Overall I was very disappointed with how pack leader was designed, completely uninspired.

Taking elements from Rexxar would have been a great difference especially when trees like Sunfury Mage are designed off Kael’thas. Survival Hunter has pet buffing cooldowns/interactions so summoning Lerokk from a hero tree for buffs shouldn’t ruin the survival class fantasy