Is anyone still playing sod?

Sod is really bad. Like it’s actually crazy how bad the game is. I would just play something else


I mean Horde were encountering multiple Alliance raids in BRM on their way to BWL at 3AM server time yesterday… Got 70k honor in that event alone. Who is seeing this game as dead?

Any ‘fresh’ Classic Era server they may release will have people crying how dead it is within a month as well. I mean if you’re not interested in SoD and are done with Retail just go play a different game at this rate. A lot of SoD players (myself included) could never go back to Classic at this rate, not after the changes to the ‘meme specs’.

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Yup, and Blizzard should not be catering to the vocal minority about these things, and they generally don’t. Hence why they don’t post much anymore on the forums. It’s more of a “player” problem than it is a Blizzard problem. Most are still having fun and enjoying SoD. It’s personally one of the best gamemodes for me right now. I can’t speak for other servers, but things are going great right now on Wild Growth. The playerbase for SoD isn’t anywhere near phase 1 numbers, but anyone who was actually expecting those numbers to stay anywhere close just doesn’t know how these things work. Comparing the numbers from now, to phase 1 where there was no content in any other version of the game? They obviously have no clue what they’re talking about and shouldn’t have their opinions even acknowledged.

I’m playing and having fun but I’m also on aussie hours, which means alone+. Still fun though! Level 60 stuff happening at all hours too!

That’s a good thing. Sod players are mega wheelchair and cringe frfr lol

I suppose? Not healthy for your community population if this is all you play, I haven’t been back since the original WotLK and this has been the only interesting iteration of WoW that’s kept me around for more than a month.

I’m not going back to drooling in my wheelchair as the only Druid forced to play Resto amongst 39 other wheelchair-bound Warriors.

ya but you log on sod and afk in org/sw w/ absolutely nothing to do. at least on retail i can push keys, CE or work on my glad push. and there’s always r1 pushing. sod’s actually bad. the whole point of classic is progression and long term “the suck”. there aint no suck in sod. sod is just a mini retail without arena or m+ or mythic raid while also having more of a grind than actual retail lmao.


they had to combine all the servers so that should tell you already the direction season of dumbscovery is headed

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Again people are allowed their opinions and no I do not hop game modes. I’ve already done the raids and t10-11 delves and pvp and bg blitz 1700 so I’m chilling on retail for now. I wanna get back into hardcore next month cause alot of people and guilds are coming back november. I just wanted to play classic era, sod or cata but it looks like sod is…. Idk can’t put my finger on it…. :thinking:

Crusader strike is very active

If you enjoy PvE content, SoD is a great choice. Do not roll on a PvP server and don’t even bother ranking. PvP in SoD is extremely unbalanced and unplayable.

umm no? its not dead lol nice try dooming tho