Is anyone playing spellslinger?

I’ve basically just been playing frostfire this whole expansion. I love the hell out of it. But a couple of times I’ve gone to try my hand at spellslinger. Both back in october and again today. And both times I find it basically unplayable due to the splinterstorm bug, where it will just decide to aim at a random out of combat target rather than the thing you are actually fighting. So is that just meant to be acceptable? Is anyone actually using it or is every mage just sticking with frostfire and sunfury? I only play solo so I genuinely have no idea what other mage players are up to.


All of my arcane mages are spellslinger. It’s fine to me, but the weirdest thing about it (unless it’s a talent) is that a ton of splinters spawn after an enemy dies which makes them pointless.

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Interesting. Do you mean it’s “fine” as in you put up with it, or fine as in you’ve never encountered the bug? Because when I first tried it at the training dummies it was occurring constantly. But just now I’ve tried using it in a delve and it’s still occurring. I went to start attacking one of the special mobs and the splinterstorm fired off at a different mob.

And actually now I’m thinking about it and rereading the talents, in this case it was technically related to the talent Augury Abounds since I popped Icy Veins, and that threw a bunch of splinters at a random mob. But that still seems like terrible design given that I was already targeting something. And since casting Icy Veins before starting combat is a pretty normal thing to do.

The training dummies one though was definitely splinterstorm specifically.

I’ve honestly never noticed the splinters firing randomly.

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Splinters and Splinterstorm both target random training dummies around you and this has been the case since forever. They apparently target anything in combat as long as they are in range. I don’t remember them targeting random enemies in Delves nor in M+ however.


For frost I played spell slinger until frostfire became viable. And arcane is currently spell slinger. Splinterstorm goes everywhere on dummies but never had it happen in M+, its never pulled a pack.

My problem with the spec is that the damage just comes passively, completely out of my control. Doesn’t feel like mage gameplay to me.


I enjoyed Spellslinger for Arcane. I never noticed the splinters hitting the wrong target. Currently, I’m playing Frostfire Frost and enjoying that.