Is anyone experiencing issues with Gladius?

I’ve tried to uninstall and reinstall twice now and it doesn’t even appear on my screen. I have out of date addons checked and no luck. When I enter the arena it states the enemy team as if it’s functioning properly but I can’t figure it out. Anybody else experiencing this that could help?

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/gladius show

Type that next time you enter arena. Maybe it’s hidden for some reason

All that does is pull up it’s interface options. Maybe it got pulled off my screen somehow? Is there a way to reset it’s position or something maybe? Driving me nuts lol

I was having issues with it the first few nights, I finally deleted it from curseforge and redownloaded it via there. It works perfectly again

I tried and that didn’t work so I went to sarena.

Looks like I will be doing the same

Sorry maybe that was the wrong command

Try /gladius hide

Gladius isn’t supported anymore from the creator, nor any fan as of right now.

GladiusEx is a good alternative.

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GladiusEx feels weird after years using Gladius. I was having the same issue until I replaced my old Gladius by Gladius-Shadowlands (or something along these lines).

Also, remember to remove all profiles you have saved to ensure you reset it to it’s default settings, then reconfigure it. Worked for me.

Gladius Shadowlands?

It’s called “Gladius - Shadowlands”, yes.

Mine was also broken until I replaced it with “Gladius - Shadowlands” on WoWUP. Fingers crossed it stays working

Thank you this worked for me.

Here is the link for anyone in need: htt ps:// m/wow/addons/gladius-v3/download

Remove the spaces between the t and p in https:// and o and m in .com

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Remember to reset the profiles and manually delete all previous configured profiles, for whatever reason old profiles were causing the addon to disapear - possibly for using outdated settings that came from the ancient version of the original Gladius and they both (old Gladius and new Gladius) share the same settings files.

Mine was working for a couple games after I installed it and then it would disapear after a while for no good reason, the only way to fix was to clean up all the old profiles :slight_smile:

“gladiusex” is the new hotness