Is anyone else close to having both Warglaives of Azzinoth?

ya but my warrior unlocked it so long ago so now it’s just a clickbait dagger worth like 6 gold lol.

True. At least it’s 6 gold, so it’s not entirely worthless.

I got lucky and maybe took less then 10 tries

Saeanafelban I apologize after re-reading what you said I realize I jumped the gun and misinterpreted your response, I have moments that are uncontrollable and I had no reason to take it on you because I read to much into what you had said…I was wrong and I hope you can except my humble apology. I was rude and there is no excuse for it.

Definitely on warrior. I ran my Varian tribute toon through, about 3 - 4 times (or something ridiculously low like that, may have just been 3), and got them both, so he got the feat. Did BT timewalking, am able to use the mog on my DH’s. Win. (This was also after they had upped the drop rate, during Legion).

Apology accepted.

I started actively farming for the glaives in Legion. After a couple weeks, the first one dropped.

Next week, the other one did.

Not long after that, the announcement of Black Temple Timewalking came out, and I learned that I’d be able to use my shiny new Glaives as transmog.

That was a good month.

Grats to everyone who got both already and good luck to everyone trying to get them.