I have 3 rogues with both.
Given that they are around a 2% drop rate, the chances are that many people will take more than a year before they see the first one.
I have 3 rogues with both.
Given that they are around a 2% drop rate, the chances are that many people will take more than a year before they see the first one.
this is incorrect.
obtain the feat, then kill illidan in tw
[edit for linky]
They bumped up the drop chance too.
I ended up with both within about 5 or so runs.
Incorrect. You just need the achievement for having both, which you get by equipping both of them at once.
I don’t even think you need to do the time-walking on your demon hunter either.
You don’t. My daughter’s Warrior had both glaives, I did TW on my Hunter and my DH has them mogged now.
Not true. There is a way to do it. Must get both can be on any chars that can equip them. Then you have to kill him timewalking
Ooooo didn’t know this… wish they’d do it for some of the others.
Hade mine since WOD didn’t take me many runs but I got them on my rogue and did the BT-TW to mog them on my DH . The real question is when can we finally mog what I have on this warrior …take a look at my profile to see what wep. I’m talking about
You can t-mog the glaives if you have the achievement for DHs
Hi there
I hear the Warglaives of Azzinoth has really strict drop rates. There is only a limited number of drops during a lock out. If someone else get’s the Warglaive, you will not see the Warglaives no matter how many characters you run.
My DK has had them since Cata. Haven’t done BT timewalking yet but I also havent leveled a DH anyways. Wishing I could mog them on my DK.
Those were items I had insane luck with, I got them both to drop in 6 total runs.
I managed to get them both on this toon (even rock the actual transmog, since I earned it on her as well), and even picked up the main hand on my Mage while farming the T6 set.
RNG is RNG, that’s about it. Got the main hand on my first run with this toon, but it took me another 4 months to get the off-hand. Still run around with them in my bags for when BC Timewalking comes up.
Outside from the appearance the allure of the glaives is the rarity of them…it would kind of demish them if we made it so everyone was running around with them in a week or so.
You mean like what happened with DHs literally the first week they were available as a mog? Literally that week every DH at max level was rocking either the WGoA or the Mage Tower appearances.
Nope you cannot mog legendary’s
You mean like what happened with DHs literally the first week they were available as a mog? Literally that week every DH at max level was rocking either the WGoA or the Mage Tower appearances.
Whoa relax lazerlips, I hadn’t realized the DHs could mog them no need to hump my leg over it.
Whoa relax lazerlips, I hadn’t realized the DHs could mog them no need to hump my leg over it.
Then, maybe do research before spouting off? It was only all over the forums the moment Black Temple Timewalking was announced. Besides, you don’t have much leg to hump, being a gnome and all.
someone needs a nap
Hade mine since WOD didn’t take me many runs but I got them on my rogue and did the BT-TW to mog them on my DH . The real question is when can we finally mog what I have on this warrior …take a look at my profile to see what wep. I’m talking about
Looks like only Outlaw Rogues can equip that, unfortunately… (Their hidden appearance in Legion is literally HD versions of that weapon.) That said, I’d love to be able to mog other legendaries eventually. I’d love my Hunter to rock Thori’dal or my mage rocking Dragonwrath. Granted, Sulfuras might be an issue, since it already has a moggable version that drops from 25H Ragnaros in Firelands, which is an HD version of the old model, and looks better, honestly.
Maybe don’t be an edgelord I don’t mind being called out when i make a mistake but no reason to act like i just kicked your puppy over it…I wasn’t rude when I made my statement or try to make the guy feel like an idiot so I don’t understand why you had to be so rude pointing out my mistake.
I wasn’t rude at all. You just happened to take it like I just farted in your face. In fact, you’ve been nothing but rude to me.
found the first glaive a long, long, time ago when I actually used to run old raids for gold and it actually used to be a really good source of income.
Sometimes I’ll motivate myself to get my fury back there, especially after i realized i had a toy to just sacrifice a nearby critter to portal to the raid, but I always just find the glaive I already have or that stupid shard of azzinoth that tricks me for half a second into thinking it’s a glaive.
found the first glaive a long, long, time ago when I actually used to run old raids for gold and it actually used to be a really good source of income.
Surprisingly enough, the Cata-WoD raids are still a decent source of raw gold. At least, if you can get through Hellfire Assault solo in HFC…
Sometimes I’ll motivate myself to get my fury back there, especially after i realized i had a toy to just sacrifice a nearby critter to portal to the raid, but I always just find the glaive I already have or that stupid shard of azzinoth that tricks me for half a second into thinking it’s a glaive.
Hey, that is a sick dagger mog if you’re playing a Rogue or other dagger class.