Is anyone continuing just to see how far they can push it?

I need two more BOA items to purchase, which I’ll have with one more heroic Seige raid. I’ve purchased everything else, mounts, raid, dungeon and world sets, which includes having already been very lucky in the past with world boss mounts and the shoulders.

I’m swimming in bronze now. I do have a few more achievements I could wrap up, but aside from that I think I’m about done? Is anyone playing solely to farm threads just to see how far they can go?

My goal was get to 476/556 and get “all the things”

Im about there with first goal (i did start Remix late), but once i get “all the things”, ill be done.

I know because of threads 476 isnt equal to other people at 476… but 476 is good enough for me, im not going to play the game just to stack threads and nothing else.

For the moment I’m continuing to push my thread count. I’ve missed at least 13 days of the event, though. I won’t be anywhere near the top players in terms of threads, but I’m enjoying my current progress.

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idk what you mean i have everything and im Bronzed capped

Had planned on cashing out after finally getting my neck, but I think I might go ahead and get the tusks and a few looms since heroic was pretty fast. If I’m gonna do that, might as well keep bumping the gear up.

Would be nice if the jewelry/trinkets increased automatically at certain points, maybe every 60 ilevels once all the rest of your items hit, you’d get that bump for everything else.

I’ve bought everything there is to buy and finished all achievements.

My secondaries and tertiaries are all capped, and i’m running armor gems for the physical DR since they’re the only gems that do anything for me at this point. I’ll likely hit 50k mainstat on my cloak within the next few days.

I currently have about 300k bronze i’m just sitting on, and spent probably 200k more on gems I combined then gave to friends and random strangers.

So what am I doing still playing? I have the current goal of soloing all the raids on heroic (originally it was "on their hardest difficulty, but SoO mythic seems like too tall an order for me). Made it through everything but SoO at this point, and i think beating it on heroic might be realistic with the exception of a few bosses that require 2 people.

My goal was the tusks and a handful of mounts.

Got the tusks, all the mounts, all the heirlooms and a few transmogs. Will probably get a few more before it is over.

Currently working on getting the tusks and some heirlooms on my wife’s account.

I just finished unlocking everything from every vendor (except 2 looms I already have from real MoP) and I have the zone and mythic reward so I don’t really see any reason to keep going.

My geared character is a DK so I’ll never be as fast as a DH/Druid or most other classes probably even if I max everything. The rate I kill things at wouldn’t noticeably change outside of mythic raids which I have no reason to ever do again.

I already had 8 70s before remix and now I have 6 more. Maybe I’d level something else for the hell of it but I’m not sure what.

If they added something else to the vendors like the RNG mogs I’d spend a day or whatever to get those. If they added something like heirloom upgrade items for bronze I’d upgrade all the looms I guess (though we can’t even see the heirloom tab in remix so I doubt they’d do that).



I have not purchased everything yet, though I am certain I have enough Bronze to do so, currently sitting on 1.3+ Million on my main and a few 90K alts. I’m attempting to cap out gold on my main, just because. Then I’ll buy everything I have left to buy.

I have all mounts, all the toys I want, there are only 2 left on the vendor I don’t have, Tornado and sigil. I have Tusks, all Heirlooms, all World Apparel and many other mogs, just not all.

I have a fair amount of the lootable only weapons and I’m not too worried about those atm.

Then I’ll probably see how far I can get my cloak and level a couple more alts before pre-patch or during … not sure.

I’m playing for fun. I’ll get all of the rewards, but it’s a blast being this strong and leveling alts quickly. I think it’s kind of ruined retail for me.

My plan was to try and join the 1 million club, but at this point I’m starting to lean more towards the side “Nah, I’m Good”.

Wife already bought everything and quit last week, and I’ve had everything from All sources for a few weeks now.

As long as my friends keep logging in I will be here.

Its pretty fun making sure everyone has all the class/race/hilarious name that will likely be banned tomorrow characters they could ever want.

I like it here, and I hate the DF dungeons, first time since I started playing the game (2 months into shadowlands) that I just have zero interest in the dungeon pool.

The real goal is to get 369. Which is jewelry becomes meaningless. And contributes nothing to your stats.