Clearly it’s the Stormwind heritage armor; it’s Cosmetic, but looks like Plate.
Maybe the "sword’ is just a gigantic dagger and has been this whole time (Anduin also doesn’t seem to know how to use it very well, though).
Clearly it’s the Stormwind heritage armor; it’s Cosmetic, but looks like Plate.
Maybe the "sword’ is just a gigantic dagger and has been this whole time (Anduin also doesn’t seem to know how to use it very well, though).
He’s a story character. That’s it. There is no definition outside of someone who is High King and wields the Light.
He’s a priest with a sword.
Which is , ironically, how paladins started out. He still self-identifies as a priest, though.
Exactly. which is why I’m curious - will the little Lion become a pally?
he makes jokes about this in heroes of the storm
he’s a priest that wears plate, there’s a distinction between that and a paladin but no one can explain it really.
Stormwind previously had an order of martial priests that Mara Fordragon was part of, and she’s enshrined in the Sanctum of Light. He’s presumably going through paladin puberty.
He’s the lead singer of Allianz Boiz
Newest/bestest boy band ever and he swoons with his songs and dazzles with dance.
If only Andy would realize how right the two of them together world be…
Even Sylvanus has his poster on her wall. Really this whole war started because she went all Fan Grl Cray Cray in Legion and the restraining order rejection just pushed her over the top
this is a MTV show waiting. PLAN THIS BLIZ!!! It will be a bigger hit than the movie.
He’s a Priest.
He did what I did - he transmogs his cloth into plate-looking cosmetic armor and has a kickass dagger that looks like a sword.
That’s my story and I’m sticking with it.
Tyrande is a Priestess of the Moon, which isn’t even a class in WoW.