He’s a battle priest. Like a battle mage. ( which is weird in itself cuz why learn all those offensive spells if you’re not going to battle someone. Anyways)
I just bring it down to Anduin would rather heal you and give you a second chance versus judge you and serve justice on behalf the force of light.
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He is a priest.
He never became a Paladin.
He simply isn’t restricted by the same game playable character laws.
Blizzard has stated he is a Paladon when asked cuz he is a “hero character”.
Even though he wears plate.
And uses a sword.
And fights in close combat.
All pretty big characteristics of a paladin, but Blizzard is dead set in keeping him a priest for whatever reason.
Arent paladins priests first?
Priests serve offensively and defensively
Paladins live by a strict code of honor and worship of the Light.
Yes Paladins were priests first. Priests that then focused on combat while using the Light, specifically at close quarters, which is what Anduin is doing.
so… will he become a pally in the next expansion?
I hope so, but doubt it since Blizzard said “anduin is a priest, he just gets to wear plate and use swords since he’s a hero character”.
He is everything we priests cannot be: Discipline DPS!
So you think he is a Priest or Paladin? I’m betting he moves to Paladin due to how he is up close and he’s the king. THE king of AZEROTH.
Anduin is a hero npc. Most hero npcs don’t fit into any class. Often they have abilities from multiple classes. But at his core Anduin is a priest.
He is a Holy Paladin
SAUCE? Whats your sauce sir?
If Anduin was a Paladin, he’d be the the ultimate MHP. He’d be a god for all of us to worship.
Anduin was confirmed to be a Priest and not a Paladin in Blizzcon 2017.
He is just wearing Cosmetic Armor and a really big dagger lol
Well, a Paladin is a warrior priest so both.
To me, a priest who swings a sword and fights at the front lines is a paladin
Paladins can’t wield the Void to mind control people.
And priests can’t cleave gigantic mechanical tanks in half with a big sword.
It’s just a gameplay mechanic. It’s not like priests are physically incapable of wielding a sword lmao