Is Alt-Etiquette a thing?

Hey Moon Guard. Question for those of you who RP with more than one character. I have only ever roleplayed with Dloin, so I’m kinda in the dark about this. Curious to hear everyone’s thoughts. I’ve had it happen a couple of different ways so far.

One character I didn’t know hit me with an OOC emote while I was sitting in Stormwind, and then whispered me to let me know that character was the alt of another that I had RP’d with before. It was cool, and I enjoyed the little warm and fuzzies I got from someone enjoying the RP enough on one character to reach out to me on another so I knew it was them. Felt good.

In another situation, I was RPing with someone I hadn’t RP’d with before, and afterwards they whispered some OOC stuff that about another toon I had RP’d with. I asked how they knew that, and they told me it was an alt of theirs. This felt… weirder, somehow? Like, not knowing at the outset that I already had interacted with the player, and only learning that after the fact… well, saying I felt deceived feels harsh, but maybe a little misled. It’s still nice that they liked the RP enough on one toon that they sought it out on another, but I quickly learned that I think I prefer an OOC heads-up rather than learning later.

Is that a thing for anyone else? When you RP on multiple toons with the same partner, do you let them know before or after the RP? Or do you not let them know at all? Or, am I just overthinking the whole thing and should just learn to chill?

Honestly, I just don’t tell people if I’m on an alt or not. I’ve RPed with the same person on different characters, sure, but them not knowing helps them think the world is a little more full of good, casually-playing people.


I’ve had a couple cases of people I previously rp’d with reaching out to me on alts but I never really do it myself, unless to convey something I think is important. In general, I rarely engage in much ooc conversation of my own volition and rarely go out of my way to whisper people for minor things. I also write most of my profiles in similar ways, so I imagine it’s possible some who manage to see multiple of them could guess they’re from the same person regardless. There’s also a chance to retain a degree of anonymity if I screw up with someone.

I can understand people doing that sort of thing. To an extent, I think it’s a good sign that one would go out of their way to do such a thing, it’s just not how I personally operate.


These are good words. I suppose there’s no real need to let someone know you’ve RP’d together before. And you’re right, Thokk, it adds to the believability of the game world.

Makes sense. I’m probably overthinking it!

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I mean, some people do use the anonymity of alts to do the reverse and make people feel ignored or bad about their character - so a degree of etiquette might be warranted for some, especially if someone has it in their profile to let them know if you’re an alt of someone they know before engaging.

But I certainly hope you find a world full of characters, Dloin, with each of them being as unique as the last!


Most of my RP alts are basically glorified “NPCs”, characters I pull out for guild events or specific scenes. However, I do put a big “Slagfoot’s alt” note in my TRP so everybody knows it’s me.

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I mean, if you know a person well enough already, you most likely have them on B-tag and they know. If not? Then they don’t know you that well. But then again I haven’t had this type of problem before. Most of the time, I end up rping characters with the same people, but I have them on discord or bnet or both.


The forums are about the only OOC communication I do typically (unless it’s involving a DM’d thing which requires it). I’ve RP’d with people and then found myself on an alt RPing with the same character; in my experience it doesn’t add anything to tell someone “oh hi yeah I’m so-and-so, we RP’d before”. It can cause blending whether intentional or not, I’d rather someone interact with a character based on the merits of that particular character.


I only tell like close friends who my alts are. A lot of the time I rp my character’s family members as well. They’re not NPC’s but have their own arcs and feelings that I rp along with my main.

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I think you essentially answered your own question here without realizing it, perhaps. The approach of these two separate people was quite different; one was just friendly and ‘hey fren!’ while the other was sort of veiled. Now that could’ve simply been the 2nd person’s lack of awareness, maybe they just thought you already knew this was an alt, but the approach matters. This is true in multiple other situations, tbh.

Whether someone ‘must’ inform another person, no, that’s up to them.


Okay so I think I’ve learned that it is mostly a ‘me’ thing. Not surprised, really. Like I said, it was just something that never really occurred to me seeing as I only ever really RP with the one character.

I just have a habit of making alts in remix because its easier to level in a day or two. So I have a lot of ideas that I want to do or present. As a whole.

Sometimes they’re related. Sometimes they’re not. Most times I’m an altholic.

I don’t tell people it’s my alt unless we’re friends. My brain is just like “Hey, it’s that person from before! They’ll probably rp if I walk up.” That’s as deep as it goes. I might tell them who I am if it feels relevant for some reason, but I’m not sure why it would be.

That said all my trps are formatted the same and all my characters are in the same vanity guild so it’s really not much of a mystery.

And just because I think it’s funny given the subject matter: Hi! I was in the original Pirates of Khaz Modan and one of my fondest WoW memories was mass exterminating rats in the tram.

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Holy crap, hi! Yeah that was back in like Wrath I think? What was the name of your pirate?

It was in Cata when they added in guild perks. I cannot remember the character’s actual name, but people mostly called her shark bait as they often used her as literal shark bait. If there’s any name you might remember me by it’d be Kline, but I think we only interacted a couple times before I made the alt for your guild so I doubt it will ring a bell.

(Excuse the deleted post. I somehow posted this twice.)

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It totally does! I remember Kline AND Shark Bait! Glad you’re still around!