they were very rare in classic as everyone knows alliance dont focus on pvp at least 90% dont.
will it be different? the dwarf racial and que times are tempting again but will it be a repeat?
any ally pvpers going nightfall?
they were very rare in classic as everyone knows alliance dont focus on pvp at least 90% dont.
will it be different? the dwarf racial and que times are tempting again but will it be a repeat?
any ally pvpers going nightfall?
Among the PVP servers, at least according to discord numbers (if that matters for anything), nightfall appears to be the least popular.
Such a silly question. Hardcore pvpers go Horde, period. Alliance will have it’s rankers pushing hard, but thats not Hardcore PvPers.
You are going to see an exact replica of Classic when it comes to BGs. If you want to rank as alliance go alliance. If you want to rank as horde go horde.
I’m not sure. Usually people in the Pserver community go the opposite of what they did in the last F R E S H.
All the servers have ally as the dominate faction, I think there’s a chance PVP will be solid on ally.
Mostly, I’m just excited for the following threads from alliance players:
And then the threads from horde:
and so on.
Looks like shoes will be on the other foot for everyone this time. Just grab your
I think ima go horde this time. Im tired of ally prio parsing which i care nothing about.
I wpvp and bq que all day…
thanks for the servers info maybe dogbutt is the way to go
Alliance will have a ton of people pushing for rank this time. Hopefully some of you can keep up.
Let’s get this Spinach
Yes there are going to be lots of Alliance PvPers and rankers. Many Horde players from Classic are rolling Alliance for a change of scenery and something different.
Seems like about a third of my SoM guild (and it’s a large guild) were hardcore Horde rankers / PvPers in Classic. Most of them are intending to rank and PvP in SoM, but on Alliance side this time. This is a small sample size, but yeah I think SoM is going to be a bit different than Classic.
Early on at least, there will be a lot of Alliance PVErs forced to rank at least to get the chest/shoulders. It’s BiS until AQ for a lot of classes.