Is Against Overwhelming Odds removed?

Funny how it’s now being removed after it was brought up during the Q&A.


It’s called projection, the project on to someone else what they really are doing and feeling themselves. In their mind they are righteous, won’t be able to change peoples minds who think that way.


TLDR: Was the gear removed? That’s fine, didn’t join warmode for the gear reward but will not do it without the gear reward.

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Wrong. When one faction was overwhelmed back in the day, they would call for backup from their friends/guilds/trade/etc… and great battles would break out. Now, you get outnumbered and it’s “run to an inn to turn WM off”


So wait… does that mean the quest and my progress disappeared? I figured I’d finish it when I got a chance… :pensive:


The bonus ap/gold/rewards have been reduced for Alliance, so for me it is NOT worth it and WM is off again.


Yep, calling for help from a severely under represented faction. Yay.

Those “great battles” were great because it was always one sided. WPVP hasn’t been fun since vanilla and even then, it was all about the ganking and griefing.

I’m glad the rewards are gone. They can take it all away for all I care.

46/54 is not “severe” but okay


This system is just an effing mess. I won’t be turning on War Mode no matter which way the pendulum swings. Remember how systems used to be organic, this ain’t it.


Link me where you are getting your numbers please. Blizzard themselves said the Horde was very over represented.

Either way, have fun with it all. No use arguing with Hordies posting on their alliance skins.


How am I being salty? You’re saying something that’s obviously pretty dumb, and you have no idea what you’re talking about.

Do you really think that wpvp is all about farming and camping?

That’s because you benefit from a faction majority. Most of the Horde who began crying to the forums after this whole warmode debacle were scrubs who mooched off of getting by being a majority in warmode, when more Alliance came in, they realized they couldn’t actually fight back when confronted, turned it off, and ran to the forums.


Hey question, which faction do you play out of curiosity, we know the other CM plays a blood elf paladin. What about yourself?

Edit: Genuine question.


If it’s not about the gear, but helped bring focus - can Horde have the same reward then? Just give both sides a weekly quest to kill X number of enemy faction and get the same ilvl reward.


Don’t do that - getting an item for FP camping is stupid and please find other ways to encourage people to click WM on. Can’t you just make it that extra horde with WM on just sit in alliance-empty shards up to groups of 40 or something. And until an Alliance group hits 80+% of that shard number they won’t get placed into that shard?

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Turn off War Mode Alliance.


Merely human nature, this “My tribe is better than yours” mentality goes all the way back thousands and thousands of years.

It’s also throwing a wrench in Man’s ability to progress. But what can do you, this generation doesn’t give me much hope.


In WM because Alliance turned it off. Granted, there was a shard problem when the expansion first came out so there’s that. But, if the buff is down to 15%, then numbers are pretty even at this point.

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Although farming and camping isn’t the only way of WM its is a big part of it no matter what anyone says. And yes it has been a part of it since the start of WM.

Although I am glad they nerfed this bonus its going to suck that it in all probability there will be no Alliance in WM again.

Ok I turned off Warmode and doing so for all my allied Toons… This is simple unfair…

Someone understandable. I suspect many alliance player completed the quest, but continued in warmode because it focused the Alliance on a goal. The goal was to kill Horde, the means was over-rewarding some players.

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I think he pretty much sums up what will happen.