Is Against Overwhelming Odds removed?

Because he care about the gear.


No problem! Hope you had a great breakfast!


its not even PVP, since anyone can still do arenas and such. Its only WPVP which is just ganking people 5v1 and such. Why turn on grief-mode unless there is incentives to put up with it?


You guys need to accept the reality that you will never see the same rewards. It was an inventive of the under population side, which the Horde won’t be. Now that they nerfed the quest reward and the bonus is down to 15%, the Alliance participation in WM will drop like a rock.


Because when it’s not a gankfest it’s actually fun. WM was fun once… before Alliance got discouraged we had some fun battles.

This farming/camping though is not what WM is supposed to be. Both sides are guilty of this and we need to stop.


I was able to complete it before it dropped to 15%.

So WM off again until it’s offered.


So, it was fun when it was 90% Horde? Of course!!! So long as you were Horde.

So, long story short: WPVP isn’t very fun when the sides are more balanced? Says a lot about it now doesn’t it?


Yikes! Glad I dropped this game a few weeks ago.


Not all shards were 90% Horde


I know we wont ever see that bonus. I’ve told other Horde this. Because it’s not for us and it never was.

But they do want it and they are not wrong for it.


Well that sucks. Really enjoyed your wpvp twink montage.

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That’s not what I’m saying. It was before that.

When it just came out we were all in it still. Alliance attacked our Great Seal and would destroy us. I’m not talking about when Horde ruled.


I’m okay with losing the AOO quest. It means one less thing I feel I have to do across all my alts.


Horde outnumbered Alliance so much it was called Hordemode, Blizzard gave bonuses and free gear to the lower represented faction.

This crying is from bad players who are used to ganking people by being severely over represented and now are forced to WPVP with closer numbers to each other (though Horde STILL outnumbers alliance).

Its hilarious seeing all the crying now. Its like Horde players have finally figured out what WPVP is.


Thanks, I was working on a prot version but my sub ran out of time before I could get enough footage. Hopefully things turn around in 8.2.


You literally don’t know what wpvp is then, which actually makes sense that you’d say something as absurd as that considering that Windrunner was a PvE server before the server type changes. You’ve never experienced the old days of Stranglethorn on a pvp server, nor the Crossroads invasions.


Again, not all shards had numbers like that. Some Alliance didn’t need gear incentive to turn on WM

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Ahhh the good old days of wpvp, not this carebear mode of “lets reward players with gear and bonuses”


Alliance you need to stop being salty. I’m not coming at you with attitude.

So are you telling me farming and camping is the way of WM and this is what you want? That’s not what it was for me when WM first came out. And no I’m not saying Horde needs to rule again.

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Again, Horde was still MASSIVELY over represented, so much so that they had to give freebies in order to convince the other side to participate.

Some Alliance didn’t need to be. They played while being griefed by a massive Horde army that was over represented. The Horde players got to feel like they were good players and got used to ganking people 5v1. Now, when the numbers are closer to even they cry relentlessly about ganking and greifing, even though thats all WPVP is; its all it ever was.